Thursday, March 21, 2013

You Are A Survivor

You cannot give up now because the world is counting on you. Before you were born God placed a unique calling on your life, complete with an assignment for you to perform, and a wealth of people for you to impact. Your influence is greater than you can imagine and your next move is determined by the move you make now. You have to continue moving forward although things appear unhopeful; God has something just for you beyond that challenging hitch you are facing. Don’t step in the quick sand; the enemy has created an illusion to devour you. You are alive and that is a sure indication that there is more work to be done inside you. Don’t kill yourself off the island while God consistantly provides you with a fresh survival kit daily. It’s quite presumptuous and selfish of you to spit in the face of God, as you murder your potential while He is alive and working inside you!  Despite its packaging and arrival time, you  wake up with breath in your body, proper nourishment, and a travel guide, the Bible at your disposal  to help you navigate through these seemingly rough times in life.  This journey you are facing is called life, nothing more nothing less --there is no need to over complicate things because life is simply what you make it. No matter what you are facing there is an end somewhere in the distance, it may be near or it may be far, but one thing is certain as long as you are alive you have more than enough time to figure it out. Grow during your experience, become a better person, challenge you stubbornness, make do with what you have, draw nearer to Christ and watch the peak of the palace surface just beyond the distance of your jungle.
                                                                 Image From Google

Be Encouraged

It backed in the Word…..

-Jeremiah 17:7-8  -Isaiah 35:4; 41:13  -2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Check out our online bible study! Currently in week 3 of the Self Control series. Avalaible online NOW!

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