Monday, March 18, 2013


In order to be forgiven one must have done something wrong. Wrong actions hurt, brings much pain, confusion, and builds a bridge of distrust that creates a barrier between the two. I am sure you can relate, at some point in life you’ve been hurt by someone before, facing the opportunity to forgive them or not? On the contrary I am sure you've needed forgiveness as well. Either way both positions are uncomfortable and require a great deal of humility, emotional strain, and a hesitancy to restore.

                                                                           Image From Google
In the spiritual sense have you ever considered how God feels when you seek Him for forgiveness? When you reached that place where you are confident that God is going to forgive you nonetheless so you go about life disregarding how your actions will make him feel. Carefree that your actions may offend, disrespect, or hurt- your quest to live for the moment exceeds its affect on God who will, because he can, somehow guarantee you complete forgiveness? When needing forgiveness a hurt has gone forth, and an entitled attitude of forgiveness punctures the wound. Have you ever considered the pain and anguish your actions causes Christ, how your disrespect revives his crucifixion,--- given all He has done for you, and what He is requesting of you is for your best interest, is the action really worth His broken heart?! You may be forgiven, but be careful not to take the forgiveness for granted!

It’s backed in the word!
Numbers 14: 19-23 Hebrews 6:4-6  Ecclesiastes 12:13

Online Bible Study available on Self Control!

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