Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Are You Too Intense?

To be calm is a practiced trait that has to be learned, ideally in early adulthood (but its never too late) by a willing individual who is fed up with the intensity and hustle and bustle of life. This drama free seeker understands the benefits of taking a poised approach to any matter at hand, thus benefiting greatly from the decision. Due to the rapid increase in technology, pilled on demands of extracurricular/extra- occupational duties, a recent overindulgence of this hustle and flow mentality, and so forth many people are just living life on edge. At any given moment people have the willingness to snap, many are less than two steps away from a panic attack, and inadvertently or not, individuals are projecting this sense of urgency with everything, and in return placing an unbearable pressure on everyone. Careful not to validate laziness as an alternative, I'd rather suggest that in Christ there is such a thing as a balanced, drama -free life, you just have to be willing to accept the following…….

Image from Google

1)That God is in control of the situation and you can only control yourself. You are not, nor your spouse, kids, job, traffic, or any other resource that you place this unfair responsibility on, in control of any situation. None of the above, and I repeat.... NONE, was created to control any circumstance except for Christ.
2)  Nothing is really THAT SERIOUS, and if you are diligent in making sure your part is done, applying unnecessary pressure to yourself or anyone else is simply a distraction from the enemy to get you off course.
3) Being anal is not a character trait, its an annoyance that validates your sense of control over something or someone, sorta like projecting yourself in a "god seat", making you feel as if you have dominion over yourself, stuff, things, and people. Reality check—you can try but once again its not your responsibility.
4) God will never put more on you than you can bear. So regardless of what you are facing there is a way of escape, as well as an appointed end that will work in your favor, regardless if you are able to identify or agree with that end or not.  
5)Spending time with God does not = going to church on Sunday and Wednesday. Approximately 4 hours a week with God cannot help you navigate through the remanding 168 hours….. It just can’t—reprioritize your life, understand that your spouse, boy/girlfriend, children, job, and what ever else you define as making you happy, should not replace the implementation of Christ in your life. If any of them do you will remain a wreck, unable to utilize calmness in your day to day life, and peace will never be attained!

Flee from the enemy’s chokehold on your life and potential, get off the edge of self destruction and tendency to practice people destruction, minimize the intensity in your life, and practice being calm and embrace peace every day until you get it right. All of this is possible with Christ!

Its backed in the Word
Psalms 34:14; 1 Peter 5:1-6; Exodus 20:3-5; Romans 16:17-20

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