Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Everyday Doesn’t Have to Be A Struggle

When you get to that place where nothing is good enough, no one ever measures up, and every day is just “ok” there is an underlying issue present and it’s beyond people, it surpasses circumstances, and has nothing to do with anything else you bargain to fault for the various struggles in your life. The enemy is playing fiddle with your emotions and boxing you into an illusionary space that anchors limited thinking, mistrust, and mental discomfort.  The way to get out of this hell hole is to identify where you are and address how you got there.
It does no good to blame your current situation on anyone else, the devil included. Take ownership of where you are and began discovering a solution that will get you out. Be mindful however that your ideas, attempts, and efforts will not produce freedom if they are lacking the activation of Jesus Christ. Please understand, since the struggle you’ve been enduring has been festered by a key motivator, the enemy, the only way of escape is to welcome and stimulate a lasting encounter with a force completely opposite, our God.  
Make the decision that today will be your last day in bondage; this will be your last “OK” day, today you will kiss the struggle goodbye and receive the freedom from Christ that was afforded to you before you were born. You don’t have to remain victim to the struggle.

                                                                      Image from Google
It's Backed up in the Word! 
Galatians 3:22 Psalm 55:22 Luke 12:28 1Peter 5: 7-11

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