Thursday, March 7, 2013



God has issued a call for you to come out of where you are and see where He is taking you. That is the call on everyone who professes Christ as Saviour. In the book Knowing and Doing The Will of God "you cannot go with God and stay where you are" (Henry Blackaby). Salvation brings about a change. If you are not changing you, or are without a desire to change, you do not follow Christ. This post is not for you. But for those who have accepted Him as Lord and Saviour it is required of you to 'change'.

Image from Google
When we make decisions to change the reasons can be manifold, we are ready for a change, we need a change, some things gotta change, my change is gonna come, If I don't change this or that is going to happen. At some point in every life decisions to change must be made.
Here is the issue, how to change? When constructing a new project you do the research, check with the experts, sometimes even do a prototype to see if it works and if you understand what all it takes to get the job done. You invest countless hours trying to figure out how to do it. In personal change same thing, you should research where you want to go and ways to get there. People do that daily, in the last 20 years there have been over 200 million books sold on the subject. In your willingness to do your research you will find every solution that works in readily available in the Word of God. Let me save you some time and money, open the Bible you have, read it and learn. Problem is we want to tweak it to make it fit us. We do not understand the Author is the one who built you and knows how to fix what is wrong and restore you into Mint Condition.
I challenge you to get into a Bible Study with those passionate about the Lord and you and learn more about Him.
Join us at L.A.M. Bible study online for more

Luke 9:23; John 10:27; Matthew 4:19; 2 Corinthians 5:17

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