Monday, March 11, 2013

Brand New Mercies

It is in our Adamic (like Adam) nature to be dissatisfied. Just as Adam and Eve were dissatisfied with God in the garden with His provisions. We are plain dissatisfied. We never have enough, we are never good enough, and no one is enough for us. We get up in the morning with the promise of beautiful day full of possibilities and we begin our ritual of griping. It is God's desire for us to be satisfied with all that He has given to us. The Apostle Paul said he has learned to be content if he has much or if he has little, none of it will change the way he see his life or his relationship with God.

Image from Google

Can we, who profess Christ, honestly say the same. Can we adjust our thinking to reflect the thoughts of a person who is simply happy to be alive and given another chance to right the wrongs of yesterday or at least take a step in that direction, can we develop and grow, planting seeds so others may reap the harvest, or can we simply be a blessing in someone elses life today.

 Yesterday is gone never to be seen again. Today is here to be lived like there may be no tomorrow. Tomorrow may never come. Will you squander your new mercies living in past failures or even past glories or will you blaze a new path to greater glory in Christ Jesus.

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~Betty Black

Its Backed In the Word:
Lamentations 3:21-24: Philippians 4:10-12; Genesis 2:15-17; Jeremiah 29:11-13

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