Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What Tree Are You From?

 There is a time in every believer’s life that they must change. Change their thinking, way of life, and even their appearance. We all know that God knows our heart and He does not judge us from the outward parts. Yet, there is evidence of the inside residing on the outside of you. If you say you love Him and disobey Him then you are not a child of His but a child of the evil one. Change your thinking! God has plans for you that you have not realized yet simply because you will not trust Him.

If you say He knows your heart, and you continually make excuses for everything you do contrary to His instruction, you do not reflect His love and you are a liar --   the father of all lies is Satan. Change your way of life!  Live in truth. For He is the way, the truth, and the life.

If you say He knows your heart, and you tear down the temple, of your body with drugs, alcohol and food. Change your appearance! For did you know that your body is the Temple of Holy Spirit, meaning the Holy Spirit resides there -- so how do you keep your home, that place you dwell in, better than you keep your body, that place the most important Person of your life dwells in, the Holy Spirit.

                                                                         Image From Google

The gift of your salvation is, you have been given the privilege to represent the Father, (origin), Son (renewal) the Holy Spirit (actions).



Don’t give all that God has for you away for temporary good times and pleasures. It is a tool that Satan has to blind your eyes and it doesn’t amount to anything.   If you have lived on this earth for any small amount of time you know this to be truth. So face it!


It’s backed in the Word
Genesis 25; 2 Kings 20; 1 and 2 Peter; 1 Corinthians 6:18-20; John 8:44; Matthew 22:33


Check out the online bible study series on Self-Control on the website

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