Thursday, March 14, 2013

Are you ready for Success???

David, the story of a young Sheppard boy who literally went from rags to riches- in 21st century terminology, reached success through a process that was not immediate or easily attainable. David was anointed king FAR before his coronation having to endure many adverse stages. You see David started out cleaning behind and tending to sheep-- Ignorant animals that needed care whether they were deserving or not. Not only that, David had to fight off bears and lions who tried to attack the sheep, who even if they tried were never capable of providing him any help, support, comfort, or love. He had a job to do and he did it with all his might. After years of hard work, David was then promoted with a part time gig, using his musical ability to provide entertainment for the king. 

Although it appeared that David was going places, by being welcomed into the king’s palace and being amongst other high class individuals, he was still a Sheppard boy. Can you image the confidence this young man had to strap on as he walked into the palace after cleaning sheep dung for so long in the wilderness? Or how frightened he may have been -- feeling as if he did not belong with people in such high places? Regardless of his limited boost in esteem, or seemingly kick in the throat, David still worked hard in his new stage of life. This exposure did not lend him an immediate come up, David experienced a demotion, if you would, that required him to go back to tending ignorant sheep. Apparently David spent time with God while he was in the wilderness, and as he balanced the in-between stages of his life-- That place where success was in arms reach but it still seemed impossible to attain given the circumstances.

Image from Google

 The reason I am so confident that David spent time with God in the wilderness is because his next move displayed a huge proceed of FAITH! David puts everything on the line to fight a giant to save his people. See David did not exercise his faith for his own merit; he had other people in mind. He was not trying to get fame, fortune, or recognition; he had a compassionate heart for others and was willing to give everything He had so that God could use him to fulfill the destiny that was established for him before his existence. Well I don’t have to tell you how this stage ended for David, of course he conquered it and God worked wonderfully on his behalf.

After such a great victory you would think David had arrived but this victory is only part of King David’s legacy, yes he became a King (& even that took more years)....but I want to make sure you understand David had to go through many stages, much hardship, blood, sweat, tears, and pain....but he made it. He worked passionately in every season of his life, in every stage, he humbly buried any selfish ambitions, and gave it all he had for the benefit of pleasing Christ. Are you ready for success??

Read David's Story
1 Samuel 16 & 1 Samuel 17

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