Tuesday, March 12, 2013

And the Pressure's ON!!

“The Pressure is On” a statement that extracts two separate emotions…… fear or excitement. Those who become fearful at the hint of pressure often feel so because they fear that they may not measure up, while those who experience excitement get an adrenaline rush that gives them the added boost to go as hard as they can so they can achieve the end result of making the deadline or reaching the goal. The need to succumb to pressure, and the feelings manifested are extremely self centered… Right? The fearful feel as though (THEY) may not measure up, while the excited feel as if (THEY) are generating a supernatural surge of energy from within that mysteriously helps them function at a more vigilant pace. The problem with “the pressure is on” is who is the pressure really on? Many of us like to feel validated by responding to pressure as if pressure is something we were created to conquer in the first place. Some of us like to throw pressure around on others, as an underhanded attempt to bind them inside the trap of performance that validates our means of existence.

If pressure is a bondage you are comfortable in so be it; a responsibility you do not have to bear but if you want to no one is stopping you. However, take the pressure off of others. No one is capable of being the God in your life. Choosing to make people, things, careers, and relationships mini gods in your life in no way gives them the power to possess God like behaviors, qualities, or giftings. It’s just an illusion you have created in your mind in which you are the leading actor, producer, makeup artist, and wardrobe specialist, something like a fairy-tale. Let God be the director of your life story, and cast your cares on Him. He is the only one that is able to measure up 100% of the time!

It's Backed in the Word:
Matthew 11:30, Leviticus 26:30; 1 Samuel 12:21-22, Isaiah 57:13, Genesis 39:10


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