Thursday, March 28, 2013

So You Failed The Test?

As I recorded the Week 4 series on Self Control I touched on God's tendency to send us tests. Boy must I say as soon as I put the finishing touches on the video, tests started coming back to back. Like literally in a 6 hr time span, after I finished the bible study, I was tested on everything mentioned during that 20min recording. I was glad that I was able to recognize the tests, but I really was not prepared for the magnitude to come of these freaking tests. I dare not blame the enemy for sending the test it was all God to test my Faith, but believers I tell you God's test can be intense. Well, I must be honest I failed miserably! I started out doing great, test one…Ace’d it! Test 2……another A, by test three I was a little thrown back by the recurring order of these tests so I fell off a bit, I’d give myself a C-, but that exit exam, that last test of the day, I failed it miserable. I began a downward spiral of doubting, fear, anger, frustration, you name it. A world wind of emotions rose in a 30 minute time span and during that time it was a fall out drag out situation with me and God.

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When I came to my senses, I could not believe that I had just failed my exit exam! I really believed that this huge test was God’s way of examining me to see if I qualified to transition from this level to the next one. "If I had just reacted differently within that last 30 minutes, I would be promoted by now" is the thought that ran though my head once I realized how badly I slaughtered that exam!. That is when the enemy stepped in with his condemnation and negative talk about my recent and past failures. Thank God for amazing people in your life, I was reminded through godly counsel and the Word, that God will never leave me nor forsake me. Even when I make the worse mistake I could ever think possible, in this case failing that “Exit Exam”, He will be right there with me.  I was reminded that up until the point of Jesus' last breathe there was doubt and confusion in His heart, but overall He knew He was completing the will of His Father.

I have no idea what test you have been facing this week. I promise those areas that you are trying to get under control God will shoal nuff send you a test, and by golly gee there is a possibility that you may FAIL that exam. But God!!!! He knows our strengths and weaknesses, and He says "if you come to me I will come to you. If you desire growth in an area, it may take a few times to get it right but my grace is sufficient to help you every step of the way". Isn’t that great news!! So what you failed the test, God is by your side to strengthen you for the next time around! With God all things are possible!   


Its backed in the Word..
2 Corinthians 12:9-10; Psalms 139:8; Mark 10:18; Hebrews 2:17-18; Romans 6:1-2; Matthew 27(especially verse 46)

Listen to our series on Self Control weeks 1-3. Week 4 will be loaded today at 3pm.!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Are You Too Intense?

To be calm is a practiced trait that has to be learned, ideally in early adulthood (but its never too late) by a willing individual who is fed up with the intensity and hustle and bustle of life. This drama free seeker understands the benefits of taking a poised approach to any matter at hand, thus benefiting greatly from the decision. Due to the rapid increase in technology, pilled on demands of extracurricular/extra- occupational duties, a recent overindulgence of this hustle and flow mentality, and so forth many people are just living life on edge. At any given moment people have the willingness to snap, many are less than two steps away from a panic attack, and inadvertently or not, individuals are projecting this sense of urgency with everything, and in return placing an unbearable pressure on everyone. Careful not to validate laziness as an alternative, I'd rather suggest that in Christ there is such a thing as a balanced, drama -free life, you just have to be willing to accept the following…….

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1)That God is in control of the situation and you can only control yourself. You are not, nor your spouse, kids, job, traffic, or any other resource that you place this unfair responsibility on, in control of any situation. None of the above, and I repeat.... NONE, was created to control any circumstance except for Christ.
2)  Nothing is really THAT SERIOUS, and if you are diligent in making sure your part is done, applying unnecessary pressure to yourself or anyone else is simply a distraction from the enemy to get you off course.
3) Being anal is not a character trait, its an annoyance that validates your sense of control over something or someone, sorta like projecting yourself in a "god seat", making you feel as if you have dominion over yourself, stuff, things, and people. Reality check—you can try but once again its not your responsibility.
4) God will never put more on you than you can bear. So regardless of what you are facing there is a way of escape, as well as an appointed end that will work in your favor, regardless if you are able to identify or agree with that end or not.  
5)Spending time with God does not = going to church on Sunday and Wednesday. Approximately 4 hours a week with God cannot help you navigate through the remanding 168 hours….. It just can’t—reprioritize your life, understand that your spouse, boy/girlfriend, children, job, and what ever else you define as making you happy, should not replace the implementation of Christ in your life. If any of them do you will remain a wreck, unable to utilize calmness in your day to day life, and peace will never be attained!

Flee from the enemy’s chokehold on your life and potential, get off the edge of self destruction and tendency to practice people destruction, minimize the intensity in your life, and practice being calm and embrace peace every day until you get it right. All of this is possible with Christ!

Its backed in the Word
Psalms 34:14; 1 Peter 5:1-6; Exodus 20:3-5; Romans 16:17-20

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Resurrection Sunday??

As we approach this Resurrection Sunday, force yourself to shift the spotlight beyond the bunnies, eggs, candy, and even family and focus on Jesus Christ. The sacrifice He made on the cross for our sins is the greatest celebration we’d ever be privy to because if received it separates us from the penalty of death to life. Man created this Easter celebration to intentionally take the focus off Jesus Christ, hence the brightly colored store isle, one day dress sales (that in reality lasts for days), and Easter brunch groupons. It’s obvious that the  lure of bright colors, sweet treats, games, and fancy clothes creates a better motivator to bring out the crowds and cash, than the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ….if you don’t believe me ask the economy.

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To create an illusion, on the flip side we have the church wanting to combat the enemy and pump up the name of Jesus Christ as opposed to the Easter bunny; a method designed to take peoples primary focus off the glitz and glamour of it all and move that thrill to second place as opposed to first place--which includes honoring God with a name change, “Resurrection Sunday” and following up with the same traditions of “Easter Sunday”. I guess as a means to bring the issue to the forefront, how can we impact the world when we are so busy trying to fit in with them, because the same people who holler Resurrection still celebrate Easter at the end of the day creating a shift in the race, allowing evil  to dominate the likelihood of winning  first place. The hearts intention is what matters most (the scariest part) , and while we dress up and go to church, leave and take our kids Easter egg hunting, from a people’s perspective you may look alright and even noble. But please do not think for any stretch of the imagination that God does not see the true motivation of your heart! Please know that He is not fooled. Please understand that a day supposedly created to celebrate His Resurrection means absolutely nothing to Him if your heart is not stayed on Jesus Christ and the celebration of His resurrection does not manifest both in and outside of your life on a daily basis! It’s all fun and games now, bunnies and candy……..but the cheap thrill will have to be accounted for sooner or later! #Heart Check

Its backed in the Word
(NLT) Proverbs 16:25; (NLT) 1 Thessalonians 2:1-6; (NLT) Isaiah 29:1-4;13-16: Galatians 1:10; Matthew 10:37-39

Visit the site for online bible studies, notes, and daily devotionals! 

Monday, March 25, 2013


As we grow in the Lord we are commanded to help others. It is easy to help those in whom you see an immediate need, but how is your insight? There are people who are dressed to the nines, smiles and jokes plenty yet are internally broken. How can we tell? A faraway look in their eyes, occasionally drifting away from what’s happening around them and more often than not, we can simply listening more than we talk.
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Most people are not the great deceivers they would like to think they are. We are all open books to the  Holy Spirit and when you operate your life in in the shadow of Him you can see what is not always visible to the naked eye.

Today I challenge you to tune into someone else’s spirit and see what God has for you to do there. Caution, please listen to the Spirit and follow His instructions not your own. We are truly blessed to be a blessing.

Its backed in the Word:
Mathew 28:16-18; Luke 12:37; Acts3:5-7; 2 Corinthians 9:8-12

Check out our series on Self Control today on the website

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Desperate

There is a time and a place for everything and the Bible clearly emphasizes there’s a proper timing for various “life events”. It speaks of a time for planting, and a time for reaping, a time for plucking out what was planted, and a time for living, it authorizes a time for crying, and even emphasizes that at some  point things, stuff, & even people will have to die. However the world we live in empowers a holistic alternative, the idea that we have some level of dictatorship—the ability to  name it, claim it, grind it out, or escape it, even getting so detailed as to suggest that one can  pin point the specifics such as, the when, the where, and the how, these “life events” will take place…..wrong notion. By resorting to the above, we expose our desperation, and our holistic alternative quickly becomes the serpent that lures us into separation. Separation gives way to 
desperation, and desperation outside of Christ resorts to a lonely and unfulfilled existence.

That place where merely wanting a job becomes desperate, or anticipating that call back creates anxiety. Frequently checking that inbox for the emailed response from a “ very important person” puts you on edge, and desiring to be in a relationship brings you to the brink of tears. Desperately wanting that check in the mail which leads to a bad attitude until it’s in your hand, and so forth—all desperate mediums that are designed to usurp the authority of God into your dominion which will never yield the God results needed for fulfilled living. Ever wondered why a famous person would commit suicide? A person with all the money, men/women, fame, fortune, and “living the dream”, decides to end it all, and for what? Simply put, they were desperate. Desperate for more, never satisfied with what they had, desperate for love and attention, fame, success, and sometimes even a better way of life. Nonetheless desperate people, for anything other than God,never fully realize that God is their source of strength and means to success and aside from him at best they can produce a poor imitation. With that, wait I say on the Lord and be of good cheer! You will reap your harvest if you faint not, and cease the desperation! 

It's backed in the Word
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Psalms 27:14 Jeremiah 2:27-28 Galatians 6:8-10 Matthew 6:31-34

Thursday, March 21, 2013

You Are A Survivor

You cannot give up now because the world is counting on you. Before you were born God placed a unique calling on your life, complete with an assignment for you to perform, and a wealth of people for you to impact. Your influence is greater than you can imagine and your next move is determined by the move you make now. You have to continue moving forward although things appear unhopeful; God has something just for you beyond that challenging hitch you are facing. Don’t step in the quick sand; the enemy has created an illusion to devour you. You are alive and that is a sure indication that there is more work to be done inside you. Don’t kill yourself off the island while God consistantly provides you with a fresh survival kit daily. It’s quite presumptuous and selfish of you to spit in the face of God, as you murder your potential while He is alive and working inside you!  Despite its packaging and arrival time, you  wake up with breath in your body, proper nourishment, and a travel guide, the Bible at your disposal  to help you navigate through these seemingly rough times in life.  This journey you are facing is called life, nothing more nothing less --there is no need to over complicate things because life is simply what you make it. No matter what you are facing there is an end somewhere in the distance, it may be near or it may be far, but one thing is certain as long as you are alive you have more than enough time to figure it out. Grow during your experience, become a better person, challenge you stubbornness, make do with what you have, draw nearer to Christ and watch the peak of the palace surface just beyond the distance of your jungle.
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Be Encouraged

It backed in the Word…..

-Jeremiah 17:7-8  -Isaiah 35:4; 41:13  -2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Check out our online bible study! Currently in week 3 of the Self Control series. Avalaible online NOW!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What Tree Are You From?

 There is a time in every believer’s life that they must change. Change their thinking, way of life, and even their appearance. We all know that God knows our heart and He does not judge us from the outward parts. Yet, there is evidence of the inside residing on the outside of you. If you say you love Him and disobey Him then you are not a child of His but a child of the evil one. Change your thinking! God has plans for you that you have not realized yet simply because you will not trust Him.

If you say He knows your heart, and you continually make excuses for everything you do contrary to His instruction, you do not reflect His love and you are a liar --   the father of all lies is Satan. Change your way of life!  Live in truth. For He is the way, the truth, and the life.

If you say He knows your heart, and you tear down the temple, of your body with drugs, alcohol and food. Change your appearance! For did you know that your body is the Temple of Holy Spirit, meaning the Holy Spirit resides there -- so how do you keep your home, that place you dwell in, better than you keep your body, that place the most important Person of your life dwells in, the Holy Spirit.

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The gift of your salvation is, you have been given the privilege to represent the Father, (origin), Son (renewal) the Holy Spirit (actions).



Don’t give all that God has for you away for temporary good times and pleasures. It is a tool that Satan has to blind your eyes and it doesn’t amount to anything.   If you have lived on this earth for any small amount of time you know this to be truth. So face it!


It’s backed in the Word
Genesis 25; 2 Kings 20; 1 and 2 Peter; 1 Corinthians 6:18-20; John 8:44; Matthew 22:33


Check out the online bible study series on Self-Control on the website

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

To Be Content..... The Circle of Life

In the age where enough just isn’t enough, staying on the grind is an appetite suppressant, and the more we get the more we want, there has to come a point where one becomes content with the resources they already have. See staying hungry leads to starvation, and overeating results in obesity so there is a consequence where always wanting and always getting produces an unhealthy existence, gravitating towards personal demise.  To be content does not mean to be stuck, nor does satisfaction indicate that there is nothing better, because there always is, but its unhealthy and disrespectful to deny the undeserved blessings that God has so richly lavished upon us….It is true, you may not be where you want to be, but you are here, you may not have what you wish you had, but you have, you are a blessed individual who already has more than enough!

Technology has taken us to great heights, places that people 40 years ago wish they could utilize as a medium for communication with family and friends alike, direct job opportunities/contacts with companies and individuals that at some point would’ve taken years to connect with, networking, business advance and so forth,  we have it all today at our fingertips. If God has given you what you have now, do you not think that he is capable of giving you more? Be thankful that you have money to pay your bills, be excited that you have means to bless someone less fortunate than you are—Take the focus off you, and the limitations off God & don’t allow good intentions to lead to self ambitions. If God has ordained it over your life, he is able to perform it.  He is more than able to provide everything you need! Live with your hands open and lifted up, be content wherever you are. Trouble won’t last always and all good things come to an end! It’s called the circle of life, be excited that you were afforded the opportunity to indulge!

It’s backed in the word!!
Ecclesiastes 7:13-19 Philippians 4: 6-14 Romans 4: 16-22

Online Bible Study available on Self Control!

Monday, March 18, 2013


In order to be forgiven one must have done something wrong. Wrong actions hurt, brings much pain, confusion, and builds a bridge of distrust that creates a barrier between the two. I am sure you can relate, at some point in life you’ve been hurt by someone before, facing the opportunity to forgive them or not? On the contrary I am sure you've needed forgiveness as well. Either way both positions are uncomfortable and require a great deal of humility, emotional strain, and a hesitancy to restore.

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In the spiritual sense have you ever considered how God feels when you seek Him for forgiveness? When you reached that place where you are confident that God is going to forgive you nonetheless so you go about life disregarding how your actions will make him feel. Carefree that your actions may offend, disrespect, or hurt- your quest to live for the moment exceeds its affect on God who will, because he can, somehow guarantee you complete forgiveness? When needing forgiveness a hurt has gone forth, and an entitled attitude of forgiveness punctures the wound. Have you ever considered the pain and anguish your actions causes Christ, how your disrespect revives his crucifixion,--- given all He has done for you, and what He is requesting of you is for your best interest, is the action really worth His broken heart?! You may be forgiven, but be careful not to take the forgiveness for granted!

It’s backed in the word!
Numbers 14: 19-23 Hebrews 6:4-6  Ecclesiastes 12:13

Online Bible Study available on Self Control!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Always Look Up

In the Garden of Eden, Eve made the fatal mistake of looking down. There was some slime ball talking to her and she probably in a moment of loneliness or boredom looked down. There he was the source of all pain, then and now talking. Now here is, to me, the perfect opportunity for Eve to use the “Talk to the hand” symbol! But nooooo she stopped looked and listened to this creep. And we all know the rest of the story!

Eve/we, in our most desperate moments take our eyes off the prize, perfection with Holy God, to entertain foolishness. If only she/we would look up when we are in despair, lonely, hurt, suffering, and lost  instead of looking for something on the ground to hold us and make us feel better.
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The lie that that slime ball told her was that God was holding something back from her that would make her feel instantly better, because He did not love her like he (slime ball) can. Sound familiar? How’d that work out for you? Just like I thought.

Listen God made us, so He is the only one who knows us completely. When in doubt go the source, first in prayer then take advantage of the manual He gave to us to confirm what He has spoken to you.

LOOK UP, the answer is there!!

~Betty Black

Genesis 3; Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 139; James 4:6-7

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Are you ready for Success???

David, the story of a young Sheppard boy who literally went from rags to riches- in 21st century terminology, reached success through a process that was not immediate or easily attainable. David was anointed king FAR before his coronation having to endure many adverse stages. You see David started out cleaning behind and tending to sheep-- Ignorant animals that needed care whether they were deserving or not. Not only that, David had to fight off bears and lions who tried to attack the sheep, who even if they tried were never capable of providing him any help, support, comfort, or love. He had a job to do and he did it with all his might. After years of hard work, David was then promoted with a part time gig, using his musical ability to provide entertainment for the king. 

Although it appeared that David was going places, by being welcomed into the king’s palace and being amongst other high class individuals, he was still a Sheppard boy. Can you image the confidence this young man had to strap on as he walked into the palace after cleaning sheep dung for so long in the wilderness? Or how frightened he may have been -- feeling as if he did not belong with people in such high places? Regardless of his limited boost in esteem, or seemingly kick in the throat, David still worked hard in his new stage of life. This exposure did not lend him an immediate come up, David experienced a demotion, if you would, that required him to go back to tending ignorant sheep. Apparently David spent time with God while he was in the wilderness, and as he balanced the in-between stages of his life-- That place where success was in arms reach but it still seemed impossible to attain given the circumstances.

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 The reason I am so confident that David spent time with God in the wilderness is because his next move displayed a huge proceed of FAITH! David puts everything on the line to fight a giant to save his people. See David did not exercise his faith for his own merit; he had other people in mind. He was not trying to get fame, fortune, or recognition; he had a compassionate heart for others and was willing to give everything He had so that God could use him to fulfill the destiny that was established for him before his existence. Well I don’t have to tell you how this stage ended for David, of course he conquered it and God worked wonderfully on his behalf.

After such a great victory you would think David had arrived but this victory is only part of King David’s legacy, yes he became a King (& even that took more years)....but I want to make sure you understand David had to go through many stages, much hardship, blood, sweat, tears, and pain....but he made it. He worked passionately in every season of his life, in every stage, he humbly buried any selfish ambitions, and gave it all he had for the benefit of pleasing Christ. Are you ready for success??

Read David's Story
1 Samuel 16 & 1 Samuel 17

Visit the site.....www.lifeappministries,com for more devotionals, bible study lessons, and more!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How do you Deal with the HURT???

The thing about pain is nobody can feel it for you. It is indescribable; the closest anyone can get is having similar feelings in similar circumstances. When trying to console the one who is hurting you often hear: “you just don’t understand.” True statement, we do not. But there is one who does. Jesus said he knows all our sorrows and feels all our pain. He is the one who heals the broken hearted and soothes the nagging ache. How, you ask?

Unwanted- Jesus of Nazareth was rejected at birth by his earthly father. Matthew 1:19-20

Abandoned as a child- At 12 years of age Jesus was left in Jerusalem for 4 days without his parents. It took them one whole day to realize he wasn’t with them. Luke 2:42-50

Rejected by his friends- When Jesus spoke thing that challenged thinking and required change he lost most of his followers was left with twelve and one of them continued to plot against Him. John 6:25-66

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Abused- Jesus was beaten, stabbed, bullied, spit on, laughed at, mocked, called a liar. John 19

Murdered- John 19

There is a line from “Experiencing God Knowing and Doing The Will Of God” (Claude King and Henry Blackaby) “Hold it up to the cross”. Whatever you experience and you may have experience all of the above remember that Jesus experienced even more and He did it for us, so that the underlying effects of what we go through cannot scar us, if we turn to Him and trust Him with all our hurts He can heal and deliver, because He does understand.


Visit the site.....www.lifeappministries,com for more devotionals, bible study lessons, and more!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

And the Pressure's ON!!

“The Pressure is On” a statement that extracts two separate emotions…… fear or excitement. Those who become fearful at the hint of pressure often feel so because they fear that they may not measure up, while those who experience excitement get an adrenaline rush that gives them the added boost to go as hard as they can so they can achieve the end result of making the deadline or reaching the goal. The need to succumb to pressure, and the feelings manifested are extremely self centered… Right? The fearful feel as though (THEY) may not measure up, while the excited feel as if (THEY) are generating a supernatural surge of energy from within that mysteriously helps them function at a more vigilant pace. The problem with “the pressure is on” is who is the pressure really on? Many of us like to feel validated by responding to pressure as if pressure is something we were created to conquer in the first place. Some of us like to throw pressure around on others, as an underhanded attempt to bind them inside the trap of performance that validates our means of existence.

If pressure is a bondage you are comfortable in so be it; a responsibility you do not have to bear but if you want to no one is stopping you. However, take the pressure off of others. No one is capable of being the God in your life. Choosing to make people, things, careers, and relationships mini gods in your life in no way gives them the power to possess God like behaviors, qualities, or giftings. It’s just an illusion you have created in your mind in which you are the leading actor, producer, makeup artist, and wardrobe specialist, something like a fairy-tale. Let God be the director of your life story, and cast your cares on Him. He is the only one that is able to measure up 100% of the time!

It's Backed in the Word:
Matthew 11:30, Leviticus 26:30; 1 Samuel 12:21-22, Isaiah 57:13, Genesis 39:10


Visit the for more devotionals, bible study lessons, and more!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Brand New Mercies

It is in our Adamic (like Adam) nature to be dissatisfied. Just as Adam and Eve were dissatisfied with God in the garden with His provisions. We are plain dissatisfied. We never have enough, we are never good enough, and no one is enough for us. We get up in the morning with the promise of beautiful day full of possibilities and we begin our ritual of griping. It is God's desire for us to be satisfied with all that He has given to us. The Apostle Paul said he has learned to be content if he has much or if he has little, none of it will change the way he see his life or his relationship with God.

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Can we, who profess Christ, honestly say the same. Can we adjust our thinking to reflect the thoughts of a person who is simply happy to be alive and given another chance to right the wrongs of yesterday or at least take a step in that direction, can we develop and grow, planting seeds so others may reap the harvest, or can we simply be a blessing in someone elses life today.

 Yesterday is gone never to be seen again. Today is here to be lived like there may be no tomorrow. Tomorrow may never come. Will you squander your new mercies living in past failures or even past glories or will you blaze a new path to greater glory in Christ Jesus.

Check out the site for more devotionals, online bible studies, and more!

~Betty Black

Its Backed In the Word:
Lamentations 3:21-24: Philippians 4:10-12; Genesis 2:15-17; Jeremiah 29:11-13

Friday, March 8, 2013

To Complain or Not Complain?

Have you noticed that complaining can seemingly attack you before you even wake up in the morning? That gnawing feeling to complain creeps up in your soul the moment you realize everything that you have to do in the next 24hrs. Or better yet, suppose you woke up in a good mood, with not a care in the world, and as soon as you get to work, or meet up with your friends you find yourself slewing out a trial of negative words and complaints. Somehow, someway these negative words and thoughts can find a way into your heart, latching inside your psyche, and flowing out of your mouth without a moment’s notice. Complaining….. That automatic response after experiencing dissatisfaction with something or someone, weather you realize it or not has much power. Somehow this particular word “Complain” automatically elicits these randomized negative thoughts and emotions concerning the person or the thing that has taken one out of their comfort zone.

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So believers, myself included, why is complaining so embedded in our hearts as we attempt to pursue Christ and engage in fellowship with others? It’s simple, in order to consistently complain without zero conviction it clear that an understanding of Christ as our focus has not been fully captured. Our focus has to be on Christ as opposed to the problems we face that are destined to transpire with or without our approval. When focus is on anything/anyone other than Christ, yes that includes (a responsibility, a husband/wife, a child, your child, your job, yourself etc) you shift focus from the resource that’s available to help you along the journey, which is Christ, to the current person or situation in hopes that they or it will supply you with the comfort, the strength, and/or the rejuvenation you are seeking. When the above method fails to measure up, because at some point he/she/it/or you will, you automatically seek a means of immediate release….Complaining. All of this can be avoided by switching our focus. It’s impossible to be let down, or feel slighted by an all knowing, all loving, has your best interest at heart all the time, type of guy like Jesus Christ. Focusing on anything other than Christ will not only promote complaining, it will also always result in a seemingly “plausible” excuse to validate complain in the future. Stop Complaining!

Yes its in the Word.....
Philippians 2: 14-18; 1 Peter 2:8-12, Matthew 6:33

Thursday, March 7, 2013



God has issued a call for you to come out of where you are and see where He is taking you. That is the call on everyone who professes Christ as Saviour. In the book Knowing and Doing The Will of God "you cannot go with God and stay where you are" (Henry Blackaby). Salvation brings about a change. If you are not changing you, or are without a desire to change, you do not follow Christ. This post is not for you. But for those who have accepted Him as Lord and Saviour it is required of you to 'change'.

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When we make decisions to change the reasons can be manifold, we are ready for a change, we need a change, some things gotta change, my change is gonna come, If I don't change this or that is going to happen. At some point in every life decisions to change must be made.
Here is the issue, how to change? When constructing a new project you do the research, check with the experts, sometimes even do a prototype to see if it works and if you understand what all it takes to get the job done. You invest countless hours trying to figure out how to do it. In personal change same thing, you should research where you want to go and ways to get there. People do that daily, in the last 20 years there have been over 200 million books sold on the subject. In your willingness to do your research you will find every solution that works in readily available in the Word of God. Let me save you some time and money, open the Bible you have, read it and learn. Problem is we want to tweak it to make it fit us. We do not understand the Author is the one who built you and knows how to fix what is wrong and restore you into Mint Condition.
I challenge you to get into a Bible Study with those passionate about the Lord and you and learn more about Him.
Join us at L.A.M. Bible study online for more

Luke 9:23; John 10:27; Matthew 4:19; 2 Corinthians 5:17

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How Proud Are You & How’s That Working For Ya?

It is our nature to be proud. We are proud of children, spouses, homes and other possessions. We are proud of our selves; we pat ourselves or each other on the back for the smallest accomplishments. We are proud to be American, we are proud to be white, we are proud to be black, we are proud to a member of _____________ (you choose) organization, church, club, association, fraternity, sorority, and on and on. We are just…proud!

Image from Google

What does God have to say about pride? He says plenty! We have all heard pride comes before destruction. If we cannot humble ourselves and really see what is going on and seek God can we succeed? All fighting comes from pride. The person you cannot get along with, the root of it is because you want it to be your way point blank period. It is your way or the highway. You will not listen or even try to hear the other person’s point of view. Pride ruins, relationships, marriages, companies, families and bodies. Yes bodies, (only one example) because we fear aging, the natural process of God, we inject foreign things into our bodies; the body in turn rejects it. The end result: pain or death or simply making us look like a fool.
Lay aside your pride and see what and who God has placed in your life to enhance it. We are never meant to be the same; we are all different to add to the rich tapestry of this life. Get over yourself.

~Betty Black 

Yep, its backed up in the bible!
Proverbs 13:10; Proverbs 16:18; Psalm 73:18; Isaiah 2; Mark 7:21-23; 2 Timothy 3:3-5; 1 John 2:16

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Everyday Doesn’t Have to Be A Struggle

When you get to that place where nothing is good enough, no one ever measures up, and every day is just “ok” there is an underlying issue present and it’s beyond people, it surpasses circumstances, and has nothing to do with anything else you bargain to fault for the various struggles in your life. The enemy is playing fiddle with your emotions and boxing you into an illusionary space that anchors limited thinking, mistrust, and mental discomfort.  The way to get out of this hell hole is to identify where you are and address how you got there.
It does no good to blame your current situation on anyone else, the devil included. Take ownership of where you are and began discovering a solution that will get you out. Be mindful however that your ideas, attempts, and efforts will not produce freedom if they are lacking the activation of Jesus Christ. Please understand, since the struggle you’ve been enduring has been festered by a key motivator, the enemy, the only way of escape is to welcome and stimulate a lasting encounter with a force completely opposite, our God.  
Make the decision that today will be your last day in bondage; this will be your last “OK” day, today you will kiss the struggle goodbye and receive the freedom from Christ that was afforded to you before you were born. You don’t have to remain victim to the struggle.

                                                                      Image from Google
It's Backed up in the Word! 
Galatians 3:22 Psalm 55:22 Luke 12:28 1Peter 5: 7-11

Monday, March 4, 2013

Who Does That?

With everything being exposed instantly in this social media age we are often struck with the only response we can think of “Who does that?” Unfortunately, we do, all of us. Our level of acting stupid is only limited by our enlightenment on a subject or action and the most common reason, HOW WE FEEL at the time. There are families wrecked because “I didn’t feel loved” People killed because “I feel ok to drive with a couple a drinks under my belt”. Lives ruined because “I feel if I could just pack the house I can make more money”. We make all kinds of excuses for why we do what we do. Check your motives, why DO YOU do what YOU do, ask honestly if it promotes more than how you feel at the moment?
For God so loved the world He gave His only Son so we might live.

Self-check your feelings. WHO DOES THAT? Those who desire to have the mind of Christ.
~Betty Black

Additional Resources

John 3:16 Philippians 2:4-6 Proverbs 16:18

Friday, March 1, 2013

Operation Clean-Up....It's Time for a Spring Cleaning

Some people are clean-a-holic, a word I created to describe those wonderful people that vacuum every day just to see the lines in the carpet. In the middle there lies the cleanie so-sos, another made up term to describe the men and women  who take a less serious approach to cleaning and prefer the  tidying up method when necessary…. mainly so others won’t think they’re a complete slob and to provide a little rebuttal to the term “lazy”! Lastly we have those in which a made up term would not suffice, the kings English works wonderfully, these cleaners, or non cleaners rather simply don’t give a dog-on. They could care less what others think, their willingness to clean is determined by how they feel which is not often so daily they make their mess, and find creative ways to maneuver around it and somehow  find extreme comfort in their situation. Now, take these three kinds of people and choose the cleaning type you most closely relate to? I’ll go first and be extremely truthful about the matter; I’m the kind of chic that takes a real chill approach to cleaning up. I know how to make things look decent, and extremely presentable in front of company, and I am a bit skilled on making my space extremely comfortable for myself but dusting and being anal about vacuum lines in the carpet is a concept that goes over my head and returns at a mediocre speed maybe once a month. Cleaning is a necessary component in my life externally but I place a greater value on my level of cleanliness internally.

Now take those same three kinds of people previously discussed and measure the level of seriousness you posses as it relates to how clean you are on the inside. How serious are you about keeping the internal components of your life free from junk? Some work hard to live a relatively clean life. Spending time with the Lord daily, making sure they do right by God and their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. They pride themselves on  loyalty, loving  others and maintaining a clean interior, these people are called Christians. Then we have those who know how to put on in front of others, painting this “ok with the Lord” portrait that looks good to others, ok to themselves, and awful to Christ, these people are called the average Americans who claim salvation. Lastly we have those who could care less about Christ, themselves, what others think, what God thinks, they live to please themselves and give zero regard to anyone or anything else, these people are called Lost. They go about life the way they want to with no consideration of their purpose, call, or the responsibility that they were created to fulfill.

Have you ever taken the time to assess how clean you are on the inside? You can fake it til you make it with others, but that façade yields nothing positive. Did you know as Christians we have a responsibility for our brothers and sisters in Christ, and the purpose for fulfilling that responsibility is to benefit Christ not them or ourselves? Its easy to blend in with the average American who claims Christianity that one becomes so skilled at being phony and convinced that they are a relatively okay person who is right with the Lord, and they aren’t.  It’s time for us believers to be real with how clean we are on the inside  and the areas of our life that needs extreme cleaning or required maintenance. The truth of the matter is some people are  dirty on the inside, some are clean, a few need to tidy up,  a few maybe hoarders, and some just might be downright nasty, all in all its never a bad time to enforce an Operation Clean-up. Cleaning agents and resources should be sought daily in preparation of removing underlying dirt and mold, eliminating dust, and available to rid anything toxic in your life. How long will you go about life the same way, piling junk on top of junk, and drama, and anger and whatever is toxic to your life? Get clean your future is depending on it!

"God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him. When I cleaned up my act, he gave me a fresh start. Indeed, I’ve kept alert to God’s ways; I haven’t taken God for granted. Every day I review the ways he works, I try not to miss a trick. I feel put back together, and I’m watching my stepGod rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eye

Additional References