Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Using my Words for Good....Dear Dad Day 33

Dear Dad,

Today I realize that words have power. You have given us the power to speak life or death into our presence. Please fill my mouth with words that are kind, of a good report, positive, and uplifting for myself and others around me. Help me to speak life over every area in my life. Regardless of how things look it’s my responsibility to project Your best into my situation. Give me the strength to obtain all that You have for me from every life experience. Help me to see the good in the bad days, the light at the end of the tunnel, and to hear Your validation when I am moving in the right direction. Give me the maturity not to intentionally go against Your will, then dramatically demand for Your immediate rescue when things hit the fan. I understand what You have for me is for me and I follow that prompting. With that God, most importantly, save me from myself. If I am in relationships, situations, or things that You have not designed for me, please drown out the noise and self will with Your strong voice. Speak to me when it’s not Your plan for me to be a part of....... whatever. Give me the discernment to recognize mess when I see it and remove myself from it. I realize that there is no need to beat a dead horse, speak “life” into things & people that are not for me, etc. I realize in those cases You have called for me to leave and preserve my energy for Your goodness.  Allow me follow Your voice, help me to understand that my feet aren’t big enough to fill Your shoes, and Your power supersedes all.

Listening to Your voice,

Word for the Day: Proverbs 18:20-21
Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction. 21 The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.

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