Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Beyond Self.....Dear Dad Day 36

Dear Dad,

Life is changing. As I get older I realize that things are changing as well.  No longer am I  being invited to birthday parties, and get together’s. It has evolved into getting wedding announcements, baby shower invites, job promotion celebration parties, and the list goes on. Looking as what’s happening from a spiritual view I see You working all over the place. Your ability to bring new life, orchestrate unions, and move people upward in their passion and life calling is mind blowing. I get excited when I see You working in the lives of others. It’s easy to get involved in the happening of my own life that I fail to thank You for what You’re doing in the lives of others. You are so big. You are not only able to take care of me, but take care of everyone else in the world simultaneously. Today I look beyond myself and praise You for bringing blessings, life, hope, restoration, money, opportunity, and stronger relationship with You in the lives of my family, peers, and strangers alike. Father, You are bigger than anything I could ever imagine. You are so freaking fantastic and You work only like You can, for all of us. Dang You are too good!!!


Word on the Go: Psalms 65:1-5
What mighty praise, O God, belongs to you in Zion. We will fulfill our vows to you, 2 for you answer our prayers. All of us must come to you. 3 Though we are overwhelmed by our sins, you forgive them all. 4 What joy for those you choose to bring near, those who live in your holy courts. What festivities await us inside your holy Temple 5 You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior. You are the hope of everyone on earth, even those who sail on distant seas.

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