Saturday, July 28, 2012

Let's Have a Toast......Dear Dad Day 40

Dear Dad,

I’ve been waiting to get this off my chest all night. I am so thankful for everything that You do in my life. This may sound crazy to some people but I’m thankful when You harden the hearts of others towards me. Ha, that felt ridiculous saying but its soooooo true. By doing so You have saved me from a possible lifetime of hell, dealing with people that are beneath what You have for me, connections that yield nothing positive, heartache, disease, unnecessary frustration, total confusion, people who think of themselves more highly than they are, and a boatload of THEE UNNECESSARY. I take this act of kindness on Your behalf as a huge display of unconditional love, and with that said I’m screaming “Thank You” . So after pondering over my (ENTIRE) life, not limiting this letter to relationships; but jobs, people, circumstances, what-have-you…… let’s have a toast for anyone who is no longer in my life (AMEN), for anyone who told me no (AMEN), for those who’ve ignore me (AMEN), the job I don’t have (AMEN), the opportunity that hasn’t surfaced (AMEN), and lastly for the anyone or anything who could care less (AMEN). Talk about (CHURCH), that’s it right there. ~Selah

Walking in FREEDOM,

Word On The Go: Exodus 7: 1-10

1Then the Lord said to Moses, “Pay close attention to this. I will make you seem like God to Pharaoh, and your brother, Aaron, will be your prophet. Tell Aaron everything I command you, and Aaron must command Pharaoh to let the people of Israel leave his country. But I will make Pharaoh’s heart stubborn so I can multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Egypt. Even then Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you. So I will bring down my fist on Egypt. Then I will rescue my forces—my people, the Israelites—from the land of Egypt with great acts of judgment.When I raise my powerful hand and bring out the Israelites, the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.” So Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord had commanded them. Moses was eighty years old, and Aaron was eighty-three when they made their demands to Pharaoh. Then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Pharaoh will demand, ‘Show me a miracle.’ When he does this, say to Aaron, ‘Take your staff and throw it down in front of Pharaoh, and it will become a serpent’” 10 So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did what the Lord had commanded them. Aaron threw down his staff before Pharaoh and his officials, and it became a serpent! 11 Then Pharaoh called in his own wise men and sorcerers, and these Egyptian magicians did the same thing with their magic. 12 They threw down their staffs, which also became serpents! But then Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs. 13 Pharaoh’s heart, however, remained hard. He still refused to listen, just as the Lord had predicted.

Friday, July 27, 2012

My plans ain't got nothing on Your's....Dear Dad Day 39

Dear Dad,

Show me Your way. Today I refuse to live under the restraints of others, better yet the restraints of myself. Give me the maturity to understand Your voice, Your commands, Your direction, and most importantly Your correction. I want my life to be a splitting image of what You have already ordained for it to be. So what I got rejected; You have the final say so. So everything looks dark and confusing; there is no darkness in You. So people think I’m crazy; they are just people whose opinion can’t even compare to one word spoken from Your lips. And who cares about those negative thoughts that creep in my head, telling me everything opposite of what You said; yea it’s time for me to GROW UP and tell those thoughts to SHUT UP! I’m so radical to believe everything You said and watch Your best manifest in my life. Just so I can tell the haters and naysayers about a man, greater than anyone could ever imagine, who doesn’t want anything from me but to trust HIM, blow my little hopes and dream out the water with His ultimate, might I add PERFECT, plan for my life.  That’s truly what’s UP!!! It’s all about You.

Ready for the day,

Word on the Go: 1 Corinthians 2: 9-13 (NLT)
 9That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” 10 But  it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets. 11 No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit. 12 And we have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us. 13 When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths. 14 But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

For the Smart & Successful.....Dear Dad Day 38

Dear Dad,

YOU SHOW OUT!!!! I just want You to know how badd You are and I am so in awe of You. It is true the more time I spend with You the more I know You, the more You speak to me, and the more I grow as a person. Every morning I wake up its Your time. I can’t start my day without spending time with You. I see the benefit of doing so everyday; it’s not for money, or cars, for a man (or woman for my males), or to be “blessed” but it is to grow as a person. I am so inspired by growth. It brings me so much joy and I long for it. This world will make you think the more you have the greater you are, I strongly disagree. The larger one grows spiritually and morally defines their success. It’s not necessary to “wanna be successful”, I seek Your face everyday therefore I am successful. I just enjoy watching You work inside and outside of me. I give You the “OK” to have Your way with me. No longer will I stop You with my doubts or reservations. You won’t withhold any good thing from me and I know this to be true. Love You.

Eager to watch You work today,

Word On The Go: Matthew 13: 18-23 (NLT)
18Now listen to the explanation of the parable about the farmer planting seeds: 19 The seed that fell on the footpath represents those who hear the message about the Kingdom and don’t understand it. Then the evil one comes and snatches away the seed that was planted in their hearts. 20 The seed on the rocky soil represents those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy. 21 But since they don’t have deep roots, they don’t last long. They fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God’s word. 22 The seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God’s word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth, so no fruit is produced. 23 The seed that fell on good soil represents those who truly hear and understand God’s word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!”

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Trying 2 Be Like You & Only You....Dear Dad Day 37

Dear Dad,

I am soooo glad You made everyone different. When You created us You gave each of us a different  talent, gift, swag and uniqueness. Your ability to do this is so mind blowing. Today I come against anyone or any spirit that tries to conform others to their own image. That spirit or energy that influences people to manipulate others to think how they think, act like they act, make their same decisions, try to look like them, etc. I invite Your spirit to saturate our minds, especially those who have it all confused. We are to imitate You and You alone. Understanding that those are huge shoes to fill, and everyone has different areas they struggle in, it is our job to encourage others to be like You through love and compassion.  Our worth is in You and You alone. Today I choose to care less about the opinions of others. Their validation, their views, how they feel or what they think about me and what I am doing. I realize that decision is not popular…… but so what. I want You to also know that I recognize that You have a standard of living, and there ain’t no way around that. So as we all live out our lives I ask that You redirect our focus from anything, any person, whoever, whatever, etc; totally to You. You will deal with us however You choose and we seek Your will and Your best for us, by putting forth the best effort to live like You called us to live in the uniqueness You’ve given us.

Choosing Your way above all others,

Word On The Go: Romans 12: 1-8 (NLT)
 1And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.Because of the privilege and authority[c] God has given me, I give each of you this warning: Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Beyond Self.....Dear Dad Day 36

Dear Dad,

Life is changing. As I get older I realize that things are changing as well.  No longer am I  being invited to birthday parties, and get together’s. It has evolved into getting wedding announcements, baby shower invites, job promotion celebration parties, and the list goes on. Looking as what’s happening from a spiritual view I see You working all over the place. Your ability to bring new life, orchestrate unions, and move people upward in their passion and life calling is mind blowing. I get excited when I see You working in the lives of others. It’s easy to get involved in the happening of my own life that I fail to thank You for what You’re doing in the lives of others. You are so big. You are not only able to take care of me, but take care of everyone else in the world simultaneously. Today I look beyond myself and praise You for bringing blessings, life, hope, restoration, money, opportunity, and stronger relationship with You in the lives of my family, peers, and strangers alike. Father, You are bigger than anything I could ever imagine. You are so freaking fantastic and You work only like You can, for all of us. Dang You are too good!!!


Word on the Go: Psalms 65:1-5
What mighty praise, O God, belongs to you in Zion. We will fulfill our vows to you, 2 for you answer our prayers. All of us must come to you. 3 Though we are overwhelmed by our sins, you forgive them all. 4 What joy for those you choose to bring near, those who live in your holy courts. What festivities await us inside your holy Temple 5 You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior. You are the hope of everyone on earth, even those who sail on distant seas.

Monday, July 23, 2012

No Need 2 Worry.....I'm Taken Care Of.....Dear Dad Day 35

Dear Dad,

It’s amazing to know that You are fully aware of what’s going on with me. You know everything about me, my past, present, and future and You hold nothing against me (because I made the choice to surrender to You). You know all of my wants, needs, and desires and they are just as important to You as they are to me. To show You my gratitude for being so concerned with me, and seeking the best for my life I choose to honor You; Respect Your timing and the plans You have for me; I choose to live in the moment and embrace everything You have allowed to take place in my life.  It’s crazy to watch You work, and as a result watch my growth. It is my full desire to #1 trust You completely. #2 make every effort to be the best woman (for my male readers, insert “man”) that I can be. #3 stop complaining, worrying, speaking negative, and becoming frustrated with the happenings or non happenings of my life. And lastly #4, constantly remind myself of your Goodness. You alone are more than enough. So all in all I want to thank you for being overly concerned about me.  


Word on the Go: Matthew 6:28-34
28“And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, 29 yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 30 And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? 31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God[d] above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Don't Wanna Waste My Time...Dear Dad Day 34

Dear Dad,

I am so honored to have You in my life and am given the opportunity to spend time with You. I understand that life can sometimes be busy, and it’s easy to get caught up in everything else, but please do not let me neglect You. After all You spend all Your time with me, protecting me, making sure I’m taken care of, etc. How selfish of me to go about my day without giving You any of my time? Father, let me get lost in You. The one who truly cares all about me, that I may make better decisions, act more responsibly, and bring You honor with what I say and do. Cloud out all the noise and distractions that are designed to  get me off focus. Every day I commit to spending time with You through prayer, reading Your word & mediating on it.  Make every moment of my life count, as I carry You with me every step of the way. I carry You not only in my heart, but in my thoughts, and actions. I realize today, to know You is to want to know You more.

Totally N Love,

Word on the Go: Ephesians 3: 14-20
 14When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father,[e] 15 the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. 16 I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. 17 Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.18 And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. 19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. 20 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. 21 Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Using my Words for Good....Dear Dad Day 33

Dear Dad,

Today I realize that words have power. You have given us the power to speak life or death into our presence. Please fill my mouth with words that are kind, of a good report, positive, and uplifting for myself and others around me. Help me to speak life over every area in my life. Regardless of how things look it’s my responsibility to project Your best into my situation. Give me the strength to obtain all that You have for me from every life experience. Help me to see the good in the bad days, the light at the end of the tunnel, and to hear Your validation when I am moving in the right direction. Give me the maturity not to intentionally go against Your will, then dramatically demand for Your immediate rescue when things hit the fan. I understand what You have for me is for me and I follow that prompting. With that God, most importantly, save me from myself. If I am in relationships, situations, or things that You have not designed for me, please drown out the noise and self will with Your strong voice. Speak to me when it’s not Your plan for me to be a part of....... whatever. Give me the discernment to recognize mess when I see it and remove myself from it. I realize that there is no need to beat a dead horse, speak “life” into things & people that are not for me, etc. I realize in those cases You have called for me to leave and preserve my energy for Your goodness.  Allow me follow Your voice, help me to understand that my feet aren’t big enough to fill Your shoes, and Your power supersedes all.

Listening to Your voice,

Word for the Day: Proverbs 18:20-21
Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction. 21 The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Letting You Know How I Feel....Dear Dad Day 32

Dear Dad,

Whatcha up to? I know You are super busy helping, healing, speaking to, making ways for, giving life, taking life, and so much more that my little mind can’t even comprehend. Well I just want to take some of my time and let You know that You are on my mind heavy today. I love you totally and I truly appreciate everything you do. Not only for me but for all the people around me, family and strangers included. Your ways are not like ours, and our minds could never grasp Your thinking and ways of doing things;  however, not fully understanding, I wholeheartedly realize the best thing for me to do is TRUST YOU. And you know what, I’m going to DO JUST THAT…..I’M GOING TO TRUST YOU in my heart and mind. I realize that all things, good, bad, ugly, that stuff I can’t understand, the people who strive to make life difficult, all that… is working for my good and connects the dots for my fulfilled destiny. Ha, You said You would never leave me nor forsake me, and this is written in my heart today. Gosh I love You to pieces. Just wanted a few minutes of Your time to let You know how valuable You are to me.

You're too good,

Word on the Go: Proverbs 3: 1-12 (NLT)
My child, never forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart. 2 If you do this, you will live many years, and your life will be satisfying. 3 Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. 4 Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will earn a good reputation 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. 6 Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take. 7 Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil. 8 Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones. 9 Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. 10 Then he will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with good wine.11 My child, don’t reject the Lord’s discipline, and don’t be upset when he corrects you. 12 For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Only You Can Do It....Dear Dad Day 31

Dear Dad,

As I go about this life I am encouraged by others to create bucket lists, write down that of which I wish to accomplish, map out my own life, make plans for my future and so forth. While that MAY have its place, please allow me to understand everything that I come up with is merely an idea. And while ideas have their place, You are the ultimate visionary and You have the final say. Please redirect my attention from what I think I want and need, to what You KNOW I need. I trust You 1000% to have my back always, to not withhold any good thing from me. I trust that You have all power in Your hands, I trust that I am safe, my success will be measured by Your carefully throughout and constructed intent of success for my life. I trust that I will build lastly relationships with likeminded people. I trust to have a godly spouse that understands YOUR DESIGN of marriage and family. I trust that I will be content with the life You have so richly blessed me with, AND most importantly I trust the promises You made me, the sound of Your voice, and Your vision for my life.

Forever trusting The Master,

Word on the Go: Jeremiah 29: 11-14 (NLT)

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. 14 I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you home again to your own land.”

Friday, July 13, 2012

Your Way Is The Absolute Best..Thank You Dear Dad Day 30

Dear Dad,

 I woke up this morning in Your fullness. You alone are great, and worthy to be praised. I delight myself in Your will today. Thank You for life, every moment of it. The things and people we take for granted forgive us, most importantly forgive us for taking You for granted. You have never left us, You will not forsake us, and You promised that You will be with us all the way until the end of time. Your presence is all over me this morning. Thank you. Thanks for the great people You have placed among us. Our family and friends, our co workers, ministers and pastors who spend crazy hours with You to pour into the lives of Your people. Today I surrender to You and ask You to have Your way in my life. I am tired of living defeated and below my purpose in life and I seek Your fullness and perfect will for ME. You alone are the greatest dad ever.


Word on the Go: Psalms 119:9-16
How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word. 10 I have tried hard to find you— don’t let me wander from your commands. 11 I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. 12 I praise you, O Lord; teach me your decrees. 13 I have recited aloud all the regulations you have given us. 14 I have rejoiced in your laws as much as in riches. 15 I will study your commandments and reflect on your ways. 16 I will delight in your decrees and not forget your word.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Birth of Newness Dear Dad Day 29

Dear Dad,
As another year has passed it is my desire to become a better person. Most importantly I want to be a better person for You, myself, my family, and everyone else who I have influence over or associate with- in that order. I am truly thankful to see a full year pass with no hurt, harm, danger, no life threatening issues, and I could go on and on about what & who You saved me from over the last 12 months. Going forward I create new goals to live by, embracing a new mentality of gratitude not attitude, thanksgiving and no complaining, trusting You and not doubting, and seeking You first. I choose to monitor my words and thoughts, check myself, cease complaining and comparing, and live my life as You have instructed. During the next 12 months I want to know You more, I want to make it a priority to spend time with You, and develop our relationship. I wish to spend the next 12 months proving my love towards You. You are absolutely amazing and I thank You for the past (all the good and all the bad) and what is to come.
Love you beyond words & actions,

Word on the Go: Psalms 27: 4-5; 13-14
4One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.
5 For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.
13 I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. 14 Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Dad You Comfort Me....Dear Dad Day 28

Dear Dad,
Today is Friday and I am thankful for this past week. As I spent quality time with family and friends I have noticed that the enemy is busy, trying to steal, kill, and destroy the mind. I am thankful that I am reminded to think of You during those crazy moments. Help me to project Your glory and plan for me into my future as opposed to the chaos that the enemy tries to flood my mind with. Everything that You create is good and very good, and every plan for my life is good as well. Allow me to find comfort in Your voice as I tune out all the noise around me. Today I am resting safe in Your arms as I rely on You to do the impossible, make ways out of no ways, provide comfort and peace, and speak to my heart holy spirit, giving me the words that will bring new life. I love YOU.
Word on the Go: Psalms 94:16-29
Who will protect me from the wicked? Who will stand up for me against evildoers? 17 Unless the Lord had helped me, I would soon have settled in the silence of the grave. 18 I cried out, “I am slipping!”
but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. 19 When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Just Want to Please You Father...Dear Dad Day 27

Dear Dad,
Holding up a standard is difficult in these times. With so many influences around us that suggest lowering or doing away with standards I see the struggle that many people, including myself, face with standing against adversity, standing against anything that is not of You, and standing against the world’s system and mentality, choosing to live like You called us to. While I have often thought of lowering my standards I am encouraged to know You are right there to show me the light; That You validate my standards as long as I lift them towards You. One thing I know is that You are high and lifted up, and my standards are right there with You. Lord allow us Christians, those who claim to love You, really live like Christians. That we get about the business of making You happy instead of ourselves, our family, peers, friends, and even those we don’t know by trying to fit in with the craziness of this world. If we follow Your leadership we cannot fail, You are not a man therefore You do not lie and I trust You for continued growth and conviction.
I just wanna please Your heart,
Word on the Go: 1 John 2:15-17
15 Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. 16 For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. 17 And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Loving You Ways....Dear Dad Day 26

Dear Dad,

Thank You dearly for Your timing. For trails work patience and patience builds endurance. It’s amazing how knowing You brings an abundance of peace in the middle of chaos. Life has a way of looking great, then looking real bad, throwing curve balls then throwing parties, but You remain the same. You are holy, sovern, and leveled. How fantastic to know that there is someone who has all power in their hands, on my team. I love You so much for Your care and concern for the lives of everyone. It’s amazing how in tune You are with all of us at the same time. I am delighted on July 2, for all that You have done for me up to this point. It goes beyond words; Your glory, Your wonderfulness, Your greatness on my behalf. Your love covers me. I am protected by Your grace. You got this & I trust You.

Love ya... long time,

Word on the Go: 2 Corinthians 6:6 (NLT)
We prove ourselves by our purity, our understanding, our patience, our kindness, by the Holy Spirit within us, and by our sincere love.