Tuesday, March 19, 2013

To Be Content..... The Circle of Life

In the age where enough just isn’t enough, staying on the grind is an appetite suppressant, and the more we get the more we want, there has to come a point where one becomes content with the resources they already have. See staying hungry leads to starvation, and overeating results in obesity so there is a consequence where always wanting and always getting produces an unhealthy existence, gravitating towards personal demise.  To be content does not mean to be stuck, nor does satisfaction indicate that there is nothing better, because there always is, but its unhealthy and disrespectful to deny the undeserved blessings that God has so richly lavished upon us….It is true, you may not be where you want to be, but you are here, you may not have what you wish you had, but you have, you are a blessed individual who already has more than enough!

Technology has taken us to great heights, places that people 40 years ago wish they could utilize as a medium for communication with family and friends alike, direct job opportunities/contacts with companies and individuals that at some point would’ve taken years to connect with, networking, business advance and so forth,  we have it all today at our fingertips. If God has given you what you have now, do you not think that he is capable of giving you more? Be thankful that you have money to pay your bills, be excited that you have means to bless someone less fortunate than you are—Take the focus off you, and the limitations off God & don’t allow good intentions to lead to self ambitions. If God has ordained it over your life, he is able to perform it.  He is more than able to provide everything you need! Live with your hands open and lifted up, be content wherever you are. Trouble won’t last always and all good things come to an end! It’s called the circle of life, be excited that you were afforded the opportunity to indulge!

It’s backed in the word!!
Ecclesiastes 7:13-19 Philippians 4: 6-14 Romans 4: 16-22

Online Bible Study available on Self Control Today......www.lifeappministries.com!

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