Monday, March 25, 2013


As we grow in the Lord we are commanded to help others. It is easy to help those in whom you see an immediate need, but how is your insight? There are people who are dressed to the nines, smiles and jokes plenty yet are internally broken. How can we tell? A faraway look in their eyes, occasionally drifting away from what’s happening around them and more often than not, we can simply listening more than we talk.
                                                                              Image from Google

Most people are not the great deceivers they would like to think they are. We are all open books to the  Holy Spirit and when you operate your life in in the shadow of Him you can see what is not always visible to the naked eye.

Today I challenge you to tune into someone else’s spirit and see what God has for you to do there. Caution, please listen to the Spirit and follow His instructions not your own. We are truly blessed to be a blessing.

Its backed in the Word:
Mathew 28:16-18; Luke 12:37; Acts3:5-7; 2 Corinthians 9:8-12

Check out our series on Self Control today on the website

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