Friday, March 15, 2013

Always Look Up

In the Garden of Eden, Eve made the fatal mistake of looking down. There was some slime ball talking to her and she probably in a moment of loneliness or boredom looked down. There he was the source of all pain, then and now talking. Now here is, to me, the perfect opportunity for Eve to use the “Talk to the hand” symbol! But nooooo she stopped looked and listened to this creep. And we all know the rest of the story!

Eve/we, in our most desperate moments take our eyes off the prize, perfection with Holy God, to entertain foolishness. If only she/we would look up when we are in despair, lonely, hurt, suffering, and lost  instead of looking for something on the ground to hold us and make us feel better.
                                                               Image From Google

The lie that that slime ball told her was that God was holding something back from her that would make her feel instantly better, because He did not love her like he (slime ball) can. Sound familiar? How’d that work out for you? Just like I thought.

Listen God made us, so He is the only one who knows us completely. When in doubt go the source, first in prayer then take advantage of the manual He gave to us to confirm what He has spoken to you.

LOOK UP, the answer is there!!

~Betty Black

Genesis 3; Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 139; James 4:6-7

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