Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How Proud Are You & How’s That Working For Ya?

It is our nature to be proud. We are proud of children, spouses, homes and other possessions. We are proud of our selves; we pat ourselves or each other on the back for the smallest accomplishments. We are proud to be American, we are proud to be white, we are proud to be black, we are proud to a member of _____________ (you choose) organization, church, club, association, fraternity, sorority, and on and on. We are just…proud!

Image from Google

What does God have to say about pride? He says plenty! We have all heard pride comes before destruction. If we cannot humble ourselves and really see what is going on and seek God can we succeed? All fighting comes from pride. The person you cannot get along with, the root of it is because you want it to be your way point blank period. It is your way or the highway. You will not listen or even try to hear the other person’s point of view. Pride ruins, relationships, marriages, companies, families and bodies. Yes bodies, (only one example) because we fear aging, the natural process of God, we inject foreign things into our bodies; the body in turn rejects it. The end result: pain or death or simply making us look like a fool.
Lay aside your pride and see what and who God has placed in your life to enhance it. We are never meant to be the same; we are all different to add to the rich tapestry of this life. Get over yourself.

~Betty Black 

Yep, its backed up in the bible!
Proverbs 13:10; Proverbs 16:18; Psalm 73:18; Isaiah 2; Mark 7:21-23; 2 Timothy 3:3-5; 1 John 2:16

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