Friday, March 1, 2013

Operation Clean-Up....It's Time for a Spring Cleaning

Some people are clean-a-holic, a word I created to describe those wonderful people that vacuum every day just to see the lines in the carpet. In the middle there lies the cleanie so-sos, another made up term to describe the men and women  who take a less serious approach to cleaning and prefer the  tidying up method when necessary…. mainly so others won’t think they’re a complete slob and to provide a little rebuttal to the term “lazy”! Lastly we have those in which a made up term would not suffice, the kings English works wonderfully, these cleaners, or non cleaners rather simply don’t give a dog-on. They could care less what others think, their willingness to clean is determined by how they feel which is not often so daily they make their mess, and find creative ways to maneuver around it and somehow  find extreme comfort in their situation. Now, take these three kinds of people and choose the cleaning type you most closely relate to? I’ll go first and be extremely truthful about the matter; I’m the kind of chic that takes a real chill approach to cleaning up. I know how to make things look decent, and extremely presentable in front of company, and I am a bit skilled on making my space extremely comfortable for myself but dusting and being anal about vacuum lines in the carpet is a concept that goes over my head and returns at a mediocre speed maybe once a month. Cleaning is a necessary component in my life externally but I place a greater value on my level of cleanliness internally.

Now take those same three kinds of people previously discussed and measure the level of seriousness you posses as it relates to how clean you are on the inside. How serious are you about keeping the internal components of your life free from junk? Some work hard to live a relatively clean life. Spending time with the Lord daily, making sure they do right by God and their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. They pride themselves on  loyalty, loving  others and maintaining a clean interior, these people are called Christians. Then we have those who know how to put on in front of others, painting this “ok with the Lord” portrait that looks good to others, ok to themselves, and awful to Christ, these people are called the average Americans who claim salvation. Lastly we have those who could care less about Christ, themselves, what others think, what God thinks, they live to please themselves and give zero regard to anyone or anything else, these people are called Lost. They go about life the way they want to with no consideration of their purpose, call, or the responsibility that they were created to fulfill.

Have you ever taken the time to assess how clean you are on the inside? You can fake it til you make it with others, but that façade yields nothing positive. Did you know as Christians we have a responsibility for our brothers and sisters in Christ, and the purpose for fulfilling that responsibility is to benefit Christ not them or ourselves? Its easy to blend in with the average American who claims Christianity that one becomes so skilled at being phony and convinced that they are a relatively okay person who is right with the Lord, and they aren’t.  It’s time for us believers to be real with how clean we are on the inside  and the areas of our life that needs extreme cleaning or required maintenance. The truth of the matter is some people are  dirty on the inside, some are clean, a few need to tidy up,  a few maybe hoarders, and some just might be downright nasty, all in all its never a bad time to enforce an Operation Clean-up. Cleaning agents and resources should be sought daily in preparation of removing underlying dirt and mold, eliminating dust, and available to rid anything toxic in your life. How long will you go about life the same way, piling junk on top of junk, and drama, and anger and whatever is toxic to your life? Get clean your future is depending on it!

"God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him. When I cleaned up my act, he gave me a fresh start. Indeed, I’ve kept alert to God’s ways; I haven’t taken God for granted. Every day I review the ways he works, I try not to miss a trick. I feel put back together, and I’m watching my stepGod rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eye

Additional References 

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