Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How do you Deal with the HURT???

The thing about pain is nobody can feel it for you. It is indescribable; the closest anyone can get is having similar feelings in similar circumstances. When trying to console the one who is hurting you often hear: “you just don’t understand.” True statement, we do not. But there is one who does. Jesus said he knows all our sorrows and feels all our pain. He is the one who heals the broken hearted and soothes the nagging ache. How, you ask?

Unwanted- Jesus of Nazareth was rejected at birth by his earthly father. Matthew 1:19-20

Abandoned as a child- At 12 years of age Jesus was left in Jerusalem for 4 days without his parents. It took them one whole day to realize he wasn’t with them. Luke 2:42-50

Rejected by his friends- When Jesus spoke thing that challenged thinking and required change he lost most of his followers was left with twelve and one of them continued to plot against Him. John 6:25-66

                                                                      Image from Google
Abused- Jesus was beaten, stabbed, bullied, spit on, laughed at, mocked, called a liar. John 19

Murdered- John 19

There is a line from “Experiencing God Knowing and Doing The Will Of God” (Claude King and Henry Blackaby) “Hold it up to the cross”. Whatever you experience and you may have experience all of the above remember that Jesus experienced even more and He did it for us, so that the underlying effects of what we go through cannot scar us, if we turn to Him and trust Him with all our hurts He can heal and deliver, because He does understand.


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