Friday, March 22, 2013

The Desperate

There is a time and a place for everything and the Bible clearly emphasizes there’s a proper timing for various “life events”. It speaks of a time for planting, and a time for reaping, a time for plucking out what was planted, and a time for living, it authorizes a time for crying, and even emphasizes that at some  point things, stuff, & even people will have to die. However the world we live in empowers a holistic alternative, the idea that we have some level of dictatorship—the ability to  name it, claim it, grind it out, or escape it, even getting so detailed as to suggest that one can  pin point the specifics such as, the when, the where, and the how, these “life events” will take place…..wrong notion. By resorting to the above, we expose our desperation, and our holistic alternative quickly becomes the serpent that lures us into separation. Separation gives way to 
desperation, and desperation outside of Christ resorts to a lonely and unfulfilled existence.

That place where merely wanting a job becomes desperate, or anticipating that call back creates anxiety. Frequently checking that inbox for the emailed response from a “ very important person” puts you on edge, and desiring to be in a relationship brings you to the brink of tears. Desperately wanting that check in the mail which leads to a bad attitude until it’s in your hand, and so forth—all desperate mediums that are designed to usurp the authority of God into your dominion which will never yield the God results needed for fulfilled living. Ever wondered why a famous person would commit suicide? A person with all the money, men/women, fame, fortune, and “living the dream”, decides to end it all, and for what? Simply put, they were desperate. Desperate for more, never satisfied with what they had, desperate for love and attention, fame, success, and sometimes even a better way of life. Nonetheless desperate people, for anything other than God,never fully realize that God is their source of strength and means to success and aside from him at best they can produce a poor imitation. With that, wait I say on the Lord and be of good cheer! You will reap your harvest if you faint not, and cease the desperation! 

It's backed in the Word
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Psalms 27:14 Jeremiah 2:27-28 Galatians 6:8-10 Matthew 6:31-34

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