Wednesday, June 26, 2013


The enemy does not want to see you win. That is why he fills your head up with what you perceive as logical reasoning as to why you can’t give your life over to Christ. Some of his major hitters are:

1)      “You need to be right before you come to Christ”. – That’s a lie. The only way you can get right is through Christ; you were not equipped with the ability to get yourself “together” alone. Case and point, consider your fluctuating moods and emotions? If everything were up to you, you would never fully make up your mind to surrender to Christ 100%, its impossible. Those fluid feelings and emotions would overrule that decision the moment something, in your eyes, didn't go as you'd "expected". So don't allow your actions to dictate your decisions......  give yourself to Him ASAP and trust Him with the rest. John 14:6

2)      “You have plenty of time”- That’s a lie. We all know how unpredictable death can be—to US that is. God knew when you’d be born and He knows where you are going to check out of here. Why not surrender to The One who holds all the cards, why wait until you die to take a gamble whether or not you will get a chance to live the good life. Accepting Christ now guarantees you the good life on earth and after you die! Ecclesiastes 3

3)      “God is too restrictive”- Whoop another LIE! I can tell you this: God has your best interest at heart, that’s what He does!! Once again God knows everything; so has it ever crossed your mind that perhaps the things He doesn’t want you to do is for legitimate reasons? Perhaps because He is actually privy to the FINAL AFFECT it will have on you! God wants us to have life and have it abundantly…..that doesn’t seem restrictive to me! John 10:10

4)      “All church people are hypocrites”- So what if they are!?!? Their relationship with God should not color the way you see Him. Thank goodness He gave you your own set of eyes to see and your own   ability to filter mess when you hear it….. so why not use the resources He gave you?? Understanding that people are people and everyone does things in a way that makes sense to them, will carry you far in life! Read the Word for yourself and know what God wants you to do. Mark 7:6-13

Do not allow the enemy to hold you back any longer with his lies. God is ready and waiting for you, He wants you to WIN….Come to HIM......Trust HIM!

1 comment:

  1. PERFECTLY SOUND ADVICE, BLESS THE LORD. Who loves us just the way we are, yet gives us the priveledge to grant Him permission to bless us abundantly! Forever amazed by His grace
