Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Doing Right Is Beneficial

Have you ever made the “right” decision and the result of your decision did not quite pan out the way you wanted it to? For example, have you ever decided not to cuss out your arrogant and belligerent boss all to end up fired in the end? Or walked away from a potentially negative relationship all to find that person you walked away from now dating someone new? Did you tithe and still get your lights cut off? Have you ever felt that the good always finish last? It is important that we do not get caught up in the quest for immediate gratification or the seemingly grandiose benefit of earthly rewards and treasures. As believers our focus should be on the future glory that is only promised to us believers, and on the contrast made very clear that all who do not believe will not have access to the inheritance.

As a spiritual realist I will go ahead and address the thought that may be in your head. “All that sounds great but what about now”? Well honestly speaking the result may not seem favorable at the moment but one thing I can promise is that regardless of the outcome God has your good in mind. All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord AND are called according to His purpose. Do you love the Lord? I am sure you do, one of the reasons why you made the right decision in the first place. Next ask yourself are you called according to His purpose? Who are you living for? When you truly love the Lord you will begin to seek the purpose He has for your life and walk in that purpose alone. Are you fulfilling your God given purpose or are you pursuing your own vision and dreams?

Be confident in your decisions regardless of the unwanted results. Know that due to your obedience God will prove, not only to you but to the unbelievers around you, that righteous living yields lasting results as opposed to the results of fly by night, emotionally imbalanced, and selfishly lead decisions.
Read Acts 16:16-40 about how Paul and Silas were persecuted for pursuing their call according to God’s purpose……how the worse possible penalty was applied to them who did nothing wrong. But the best part is when their persecution yields praise instead of complaining which heartens God to show up on the scene and blow the minds of everyone involved,  literally, including Paul and Silas. 

Be Encouraged

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