Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Stop Playing the VIctim

You have received victory in Christ so don’t walk around always playing the victim. Simply put- life happens, everything may not go your way, your money may not always be right, and the people closest to you may not always be in sync with you -- so who’s to blame for that? First and foremost stop blaming yourself, sure there are some things you probably could have done differently but guess what the decision has been made, and as some may say the damage has already been done. Don’t start blaming anyone else either, don’t even give room to the enemy by blaming him….things happen, its life and you have the victory!! In the most bizarre”est” of times, in the mist of death, while your car is being repossessed, or your checks keep bouncing you still have the victory! It’s hard to see a victory during a fight, but the person determined to win, the one who has done away with the defeated mindset, has dug deep within to pull up the favor they have in Christ Jesus, and made the choice to project that favor outward….. Has indeed made up their mind to win and will win!

 Stop playing the victim and be the victor! 

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