Friday, June 28, 2013

There is a Place For You Too

Ministry is given in stages, all one gospel but broken down into stages. There is a word, the Word, that can only be understood by a certain sector, in a certain way, in a certain season. Some ministries are tailored for the newbies in Christ. Their message is rather foundational, to the point, and very strict. This message has its place and given the chaos that newbies have recently transitioned from, better known as the world; a strict, easy, and no nonsense message may be applicable to help shift this new believer from their old destructive lifestyle into the abundant life afforded to them in Christ. This stage is necessary!
Deuteronomy Chapter 4 &5

Then there are ministries intended to help believers mature in Christ. These words, derived from the Word, reveals God in a more inclusive realm, presenting to the believer options on how to live out their faith, in Jesus Christ, totally empowered by Christ, so that they are able to filter the difference between God’s plan for their life individually and God’s plan for their teacher/minister's life individually or the direction of the ministries life of which they sit underneath.  There is an intended difference however this difference can only be recognized and put into effect properly by a mature believer.
Romans 7:7-24 Romans 8:1-14 1Peter 2:11-25

Then, well figuratively speaking first, there is a ministry for those who feel that all of these words, the Word, in their eyes is a bunch on nonsense. There is a Word for them too, a word, the Word which has a stage for them, complete with teachers who are equipped to go into the world & make Christ attractive to the non-believer. This ministry may not be valued by the other ministries,(most easily recognized as religion) despite the fact that it should , nor will the target audience for this ministry value the other stages of ministry, because spiritually speaking they can’t at this stage. 
  1 Corinthians 3 1Peter 2:1-9  

This dynamic of stages in ministries shows how versatile God’s Word is and how many believers misunderstand it and resort to segregating God’s most holy and valuable gift, His Word.  Stages build upon each other to reach an appointed end; segregation separates the whole, promoting competition, with hopes to make it to the end. God’s Word should be understood and valued in stages instead of promoted and enforced as segregation. 
We are all in this together!

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