Thursday, April 11, 2013

You're a Rockstar

Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand....... Being in the will of God insures your place on the Rock. By standing on the Rock you have everything you need to live life abundantly, above status quo. The world has a standard and so does Christ, His standard is elevated from the worldview hence its advantage,  the Rock. The Rock provides safety, comfortableness, peace, stability, and assurance. In Christ all things are made available to you if you ask in Jesus name, an advantage only given to Rock standers. Standing on the Rock does not mean desiring to be elsewhere, or doing so out of obligation. Those people are just passing by, stepping on the rock in pursuit of something different, in their mind, something better. There is no better place than the Rock of Jesus Christ. He commands that you stand! Stand on His Word and His promise and at the right time He will elevate you and make you famous, ROCK STAR!

Image from Google 

Its backed in the Word
Matthew 7:24-29 Genesis 12:1-3 2 Corinthians 1: 1-21 Mark 11:24

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