Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Rejoice and be Glad

This is the day that the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it. Someone somewhere wishes they were in your shoes right about now. Despite your struggle there is a struggle that is far more complex than yours. Regardless of where you are--in the valley, on a peak, in the dark, or in the light that is where God wants you to be. Life happens the way God wants it to. If you have recently experienced a death, divorce, marriage, birth, bad medical news, or the best news of your life, get out of your feelings, happiness or sadness, and let God  do His work through your situation. You did not get the good because you’ve been good or deserve the good, nor did you get the bad because you’ve been bad or deserve the bad; please understand God works things out the way He sees fit. Everyone does not get what they deserve and honestly we can all thank God for that. I am sure if you looked at your track record you have not received all the consequences you should have, and on the flip side some people don’t deserve the consequences they’ve received, but God.
Image from Google

Let Him write your story, let Him be the author of your life. Trust Him in the process and don’t worry. Regardless of your most recent life event, God is the author and the finishers of your faith. Trust him to turn your bitterness to sweetness, and understand that He may choose to throw bitterness in your cup to stabilize you! All in all the operative word is TRUST. Trust God not you, trust that He has the best for you and knowing the details isn’t necessary because you know the God of the details!

Be Blessed

Its backed in the Word
Hebrews 12:2 Deuteronomy 31:7-8 Matthew 5:45 Isaiah 40:28-31

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