Thursday, April 18, 2013

Are You Intimated by the Giants??

Giants are created to defeat the small things. Small minds, small thinking, small vision, small self esteem, confidence and anything else they can intimidate and destroy. It is important as men and women of Christ that we are able to hear God’s voice and carry what He has given us boldly. If God has given you a gift or talent use it boldly, employ what He has given you to coerce the giants. The enemy is well aware of the great things God has placed inside of you, and at your most vulnerable moments sends giants to intimate and scare you into submission to his desire to limit, destroy, or hinder your growth and impact. 

This is when the ball comes into your court! What do you do when the giants come to destroy your confidence, destroy your destiny, and destroy your future? Do you surrender to the guise of the giants, due to size or seemingly impact, or do you hold tightly to the sure thing, Jesus Christ, and claim His defeating powers against any tactic of the enemy, or intimidation from the giants? Know who you are in Christ and know who Christ is, embrace His dwelling within you and stand boldly against the giants in your life. You have more power and influence inside you with Jesus Christ that any scheme of the enemy, performed or planned!

It’s backed in the Word
Numbers 13:25-33 Isaiah 59:19 Romans 16:20 Luke 10:18-20 Hebrews 4:12 John 16:13

Join us at as we discuss our series on Self Control!

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