Friday, April 5, 2013

Your Permission is Not Needed!

Nothing happens on this God given earth without God’s permission. Nothing happens in your life without God’s permission. Nothing happens in your family, on your job, in your friends’ life, in your animals' life without God’s permission. POINT< BLANK< PERIOD. Anyone who begs to differ clearly has never read the Bible for understanding because it is very clear that God brings both good times and bad without human permission.

It is imperative that you understand this seemingly insensible reasoning does not have to remain that way forever—Given the initial reaction of unwanted life events, or ghastly news  many people are often consumed by unruly emotions, hurt feelings, and are most often too absorbed with self to truly seek God for understanding. This immediate reaction is permissible, however it’s the prolonged compliance with denial and ignorance that poses the biggest problem. Not really a problem for society or God, both of which are affected in the matter, however the lasting effects of this problem impacts your life in a major way.

Clarity from God provides a definitive explanation that puts life into perspective and sets you up for success, despite the given. Oftentimes this clarity surfaces some deep-rooted issues, and reveals some truths you may not be ready for, the explanation for why people resort to ignorance (enemy driven) as opposed to truth(God driven).  Anything else is designed to keep you defeated, in the dark, and ultimately beneath your purpose.

The enemy’s role in the matter is to separate you from Christ and hinder your advance towards fulfilled living by encouraging  the “why’s” into your vocabulary and the worry into  your psyche. The “why did this have to happen” and the constant “worry of something potentially worse” are all limiting factors that negates God’s dominion and elevates the enemy's territory. Once you understand that God is all knowing and nothing happens without His permission, you will see your life transform before your eyes, and the missing trust factor in your life with begin to flourish as you confidently accept that everything, both good and bad, happens in this life to make you stronger, wiser, and shine brighter-- ultimately fulfilling God’s divine purpose for YOU.
Nothing happens until God says so!

Its backed in the Word
Ecclesiastes 1:1-7  Ecclesiastes 3:9-22 Isaiah 45:5-7 James 1:5-8 Matthew 5:45 Revelations 2:9-11 Romans 8:28

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