Monday, April 22, 2013

Do You Consider Yourself a Disciplined Person? Find Out Today!

The Lord calls us to discipline ourselves so He doesn’t have to. Our part is the hardest part to perform, but in reality the easiest to interpret. It’s simple:  God establishes rules for us to follow, He equips us with everything we need to follow the rules, each and every rule is for OUR benefit……Now it’s our turn---trust God, and act according to His will. Basic stuff right, but as an individual that is one of the hardest concepts to live out.

Let’s make is plain, God ask us not to become drunkards because it produces out of control behavior, ruins relationships, and sets us up to be taken advantage of. If we disciple ourselves we will make the decision not to overindulge with alcohol, or avoid it all together. If we lack discipline, because of our distrust, the consequences of becoming a drunkard will impact us and can best be described as God’s way of disciplining us. Next scenario: God ask us to refrain from sex before marriage because it promotes STDs, increases the risk of HIV/AIDS, destroys homes, increases the likelihood of single parenting, causes emotional distress, and taints the image of His perfect love. Now if we discipline ourselves, we would ensure a STD free life, higher self esteem, children inside of wedlock, better marriages and better people. On the flip side if we show a lack of trust in this area God will have to disciple us, by allowing bad breakups, broken heart, STDs etc.

When we lack discipline we are displaying a compliance with the enemy. We are subject to the enemy’s ruling and because of our disobedience and lack of discipline we are no longer under God’s covering  and anything is liable to happen to us. The wonderful part about God is that He affords us grace, but His grace is not to be taken advantage of. He gives us time to get it right, but the time won’t last always. He cares about us and He encourages us to live disciplined lives, but at the same time gives us free will so it’s up to us to decide how we wish to have discipline incorporated into our lives. Today do a self check……how disciplined are you? Do you depend of Christ to help you practice discipline or do you depend on Him to discipline you first before you get it right? It's one or the other, lets discipline ourselves unto the Lord! 

It's backed in the Word

~1Peter 5:8 ~Hebrews 10:26-27 ~Jude 1:7 ~1 Corinthians 6:12-20  ~Proverbs 23:29-25 ~2 Peter3:8-10 ~Luke 6:46-49 ~Hebrews 12:1-6  

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