Monday, April 29, 2013

What's Happening Inside You!

Everything takes place within. Think about it, a person cannot change unless it starts inside. Diseases, emotions, and thoughts are produced where…..inside of us. Everything takes place on the inside and is produced on the outside. The same applies with the Holy Spirit, He lives inside us believers. When we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior we gave the Holy Spirit access to enter inside us. Since we have the Holy Spirit He is by far the most powerful resource we have within us. Additionally, understand this: where the Holy Spirit dwells the enemy must flee.

It is our responsibility to ignite the Holy Spirit in us which in return will produce the fruits of the spirit on the outside of us. There is nothing that is going on inside you that the Holy Spirit cannot gain control over. Because He lives inside you, you have the power the command that the Holy Spirit takes over anything happening inside your mind, body, and soul- all of which dwells inside you. Sickness or disease cannot overpower the Holy Spirit; He has control over that too.

If you are having difficulty believing this concept, let’s explore your initial reaction when you become angry…… what happens? Typically those negative emotions that live inside you are produced on the outside, hence your initial reaction. Why is that, why do we act “out of charter” when we become angry? Why does anger bring out the worse in us?  Probably because  that reaction is the most commonly used and/or practiced response when you become angry. What typically happens in these type circumstances is that anger is played up so much inside us when we are faced with a negative situation that internal anger is typically reproduced on the outside of us. Now let’s interject the Holy Spirit in the place of anger. If  the Holy Spirit is played up on the inside of us ,(through mediation, nursing, & dwelling on Him ) - don’t pretend as if you don’t do all of the above with those negative feelings and emotions- when you are angry, sick, frustrated, broke, treated unfairly etc, your response will be that of the Holy Spirit which is able to both defeat anything going on inside or outside you!

Allow the Holy Spirit to have the ultimate authority in your life!

It's backed in the Word
Acts 2:38-40
John 14:15-17; 23-29
Romans 8:1-16;23-28
John 16:5-15

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Season of the New!

Today marks the day of newness. With anything new there is a plethora of emotions that goes forth: excitement, fear, eagerness, joy, anxiety to name a few. With newness there are also times of trial and error, moments of curiosity when genuinely trying to understand that which is unknown, great strides taken, many setbacks, a testing of faith, and an opportunity to build trust, allowing others to see God’s influence in your life. Currently what emotions are you experiencing? Excitement, nervousness, a little fear?? Regardless of your feelings, because they are fluid, remain ever thankful for ALL that God is doing for you right now!!! If you reflect over the lives of anyone who is deemed great, think back to the start of their journey....their newness.

When Noah built the ark, there was a  start date, the very first time He received the vision and began working was the day his newness began. A day when he had an abundance of stacked wood, a pile of nails mountain high, several hammers, and I would add a first aid kit (or something relevant in that era). When I take a more modernized look at great people of today; Pastor Jentenzen Franklin, TV host and entrepreneur: Oprah, Movie producer and Actor: Tyler Perry , Fashion Designer: Tom Ford, and Soul Chef: Paula Deen I am excited about their now, but I am more awestruck with their season of new. The time when God first birthed a vision in them, the time when they first began their journey, when things looked bleak and confusing, when they had very few supporters, and the time when they were scared but determined to see vision come to pass. Today we believers stand in the light of God’s vision.

Father, we undoubtedly submit our will to Yours, carefully listening to Your prompting, closing our eyes, stepping on the path of faith, & watching You unveil this new season right before our very eyes. We trust You Lord and are excited to be apart of Your blood line. Oh the places we will go.

In backed in the Word
Genesis 6 Daniel 2:20-23 Galatians 6:9-10 Luke 23:28-29

Monday, April 22, 2013

Do You Consider Yourself a Disciplined Person? Find Out Today!

The Lord calls us to discipline ourselves so He doesn’t have to. Our part is the hardest part to perform, but in reality the easiest to interpret. It’s simple:  God establishes rules for us to follow, He equips us with everything we need to follow the rules, each and every rule is for OUR benefit……Now it’s our turn---trust God, and act according to His will. Basic stuff right, but as an individual that is one of the hardest concepts to live out.

Let’s make is plain, God ask us not to become drunkards because it produces out of control behavior, ruins relationships, and sets us up to be taken advantage of. If we disciple ourselves we will make the decision not to overindulge with alcohol, or avoid it all together. If we lack discipline, because of our distrust, the consequences of becoming a drunkard will impact us and can best be described as God’s way of disciplining us. Next scenario: God ask us to refrain from sex before marriage because it promotes STDs, increases the risk of HIV/AIDS, destroys homes, increases the likelihood of single parenting, causes emotional distress, and taints the image of His perfect love. Now if we discipline ourselves, we would ensure a STD free life, higher self esteem, children inside of wedlock, better marriages and better people. On the flip side if we show a lack of trust in this area God will have to disciple us, by allowing bad breakups, broken heart, STDs etc.

When we lack discipline we are displaying a compliance with the enemy. We are subject to the enemy’s ruling and because of our disobedience and lack of discipline we are no longer under God’s covering  and anything is liable to happen to us. The wonderful part about God is that He affords us grace, but His grace is not to be taken advantage of. He gives us time to get it right, but the time won’t last always. He cares about us and He encourages us to live disciplined lives, but at the same time gives us free will so it’s up to us to decide how we wish to have discipline incorporated into our lives. Today do a self check……how disciplined are you? Do you depend of Christ to help you practice discipline or do you depend on Him to discipline you first before you get it right? It's one or the other, lets discipline ourselves unto the Lord! 

It's backed in the Word

~1Peter 5:8 ~Hebrews 10:26-27 ~Jude 1:7 ~1 Corinthians 6:12-20  ~Proverbs 23:29-25 ~2 Peter3:8-10 ~Luke 6:46-49 ~Hebrews 12:1-6  

Friday, April 19, 2013

Impatience Gone Right! Keep Pushing

Today are you bold enough to acknowledge the fact that at times you can be pretty impatient? If so I encourage you to understand that God has the perfect plan for you while I also point out how extremely  difficult that concept can be to fully grasp. With that it is imperative that you begin to speak loudly the plans God has revealed to you. Even in times of trouble or danger speak to those mountains, those negative situations, those demons and declare that Christ is already holding everything together for you.Embrace the plan of God and agree that every detail of your life is already planned out and those details are just right. Depend on Christ to help you refrain form becoming deterred based upon your own thinking, what is going on around you, and that negative voice that randomly creeps up in your head. Stand firm on the promises, not wavering in your choices, beliefs, and determination. Declare that this is only a part of the process and the places your are going in Christ is endless. Thank God for caring enough about you to ensure the best possible future for you.
Continue to trust in His Plan & Be Blessed!

Word on the Go: Habakkuk 2:3-4 Hebrews 11:6 2 John 15:7 Ephesians 3

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Are You Intimated by the Giants??

Giants are created to defeat the small things. Small minds, small thinking, small vision, small self esteem, confidence and anything else they can intimidate and destroy. It is important as men and women of Christ that we are able to hear God’s voice and carry what He has given us boldly. If God has given you a gift or talent use it boldly, employ what He has given you to coerce the giants. The enemy is well aware of the great things God has placed inside of you, and at your most vulnerable moments sends giants to intimate and scare you into submission to his desire to limit, destroy, or hinder your growth and impact. 

This is when the ball comes into your court! What do you do when the giants come to destroy your confidence, destroy your destiny, and destroy your future? Do you surrender to the guise of the giants, due to size or seemingly impact, or do you hold tightly to the sure thing, Jesus Christ, and claim His defeating powers against any tactic of the enemy, or intimidation from the giants? Know who you are in Christ and know who Christ is, embrace His dwelling within you and stand boldly against the giants in your life. You have more power and influence inside you with Jesus Christ that any scheme of the enemy, performed or planned!

It’s backed in the Word
Numbers 13:25-33 Isaiah 59:19 Romans 16:20 Luke 10:18-20 Hebrews 4:12 John 16:13

Join us at as we discuss our series on Self Control!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Loving Today

Often we delay until we___________. You fill in the blank. There is nothing sadder than to have lost an opportunity to travel, explore, meet and yes even love because in our mind the time was not right. There are opportunities we miss because we are waiting. More often than not we are waiting until we feel something; feelings are fickle and will fail you most of the time. Let’s try to go with knowing, knowing you have in your Spirit an urging from God to move forward. I am a witness that even if you think you heard Him and you were wrong He will honor your trying to please Him in ways you cannot imagine.  He has your back, your front and your sides. He is your rear reward. He blesses you even when you fall back. So I encourage you to move with the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night into His will for your life today. Let not another minute pass sitting on the sidelines of your own life watching it go by.
It’s backed in the Word
Exodus 13:20-24; 2 Kings 7:7-9; Isaiah 58:8; Matthew 14:28-30; John 5:7-8

Monday, April 15, 2013

Whatsoever Shall I Do??

Life is about choice. You decide what you are going to do, when you will do it, and the attitude  you will have as you go about your day, completing various tasks. One thing I love about Christ is that He gives us the ability to make the decision for ourselves. He is not forceful in His approach; He simply sets the facts before us, as well as the consequences and trusts us to make the best decision possible. Today’s challenge is to make the right decision. If you have reached a crossroads and have no idea what to do, lean on God. That decision is the best thing you can do, as you watch Him transform your circumstances and thinking to help you journey down the path of right decisions. Choose today to live freely, live life abundantly, have a positive attitude, refrain from profanity, lift each other up, be supportive of your spouse, encourage your friends, laugh, pray, spend time with Christ, love, embrace peace, and promote unity!  Make the decision!

Its backed in the Word
Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Joshua 24:14-15 Proverbs 3:5-6 Proverbs 11:14 John 5:30

Thursday, April 11, 2013

You're a Rockstar

Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand....... Being in the will of God insures your place on the Rock. By standing on the Rock you have everything you need to live life abundantly, above status quo. The world has a standard and so does Christ, His standard is elevated from the worldview hence its advantage,  the Rock. The Rock provides safety, comfortableness, peace, stability, and assurance. In Christ all things are made available to you if you ask in Jesus name, an advantage only given to Rock standers. Standing on the Rock does not mean desiring to be elsewhere, or doing so out of obligation. Those people are just passing by, stepping on the rock in pursuit of something different, in their mind, something better. There is no better place than the Rock of Jesus Christ. He commands that you stand! Stand on His Word and His promise and at the right time He will elevate you and make you famous, ROCK STAR!

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Its backed in the Word
Matthew 7:24-29 Genesis 12:1-3 2 Corinthians 1: 1-21 Mark 11:24

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Take it 24hrs at a Time

Doesn’t it seem like the longer you live the more stuff and things you have to do? We live in a planned society: meetings, work, meetings at work, family, events, birthdays, weddings, planning, planning, and shall I say again PLANNING! I can relate because I am truly a planner, but as I grow as a person I realize the importance of taking life 24hrs at a time. *Seize the day* as some may say, because tomorrow is not promised. Most importantly all the worries that are associated with the days ahead does not not add any value to your life. Being concerned with all the” what ifs” of this world can drive you crazy and those worries are not God’s intention for your life. To combat that, ask Christ to be the leader of your moments. Each moment in life celebrate the importance and understanding of being close to Christ. This proximity with the creator will help you mimic His work ethic by working at 
what is necessary for the day, admiring your work, and selecting a rest day!
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 Recognize the opportunity God affords you daily to grow in Him, and embrace that. There is absolutely no need to rush through life, wondering and worrying about tomorrow, or getting so caught up in the future that you forget about today!. God makes each day, and we should not only thank Him for allowing us to see this day and the days past, but fully embrace everything that each day brings.

Trust God with each second!

Its backed in the Word
Genesis 1 Genesis 2:1-4 Matthew 6:34 Proverbs 27:1 1 Peter 1:3-5


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Don't Push Me, Cuz I'm Close to the Edge......

Once you hit your limits what do you do? How do you react? What word choice do you resort to? What habits to you pick up? Resorting to going off, cursing, smoking, excessive drinking, sex, isolation, attitude and so forth when life does not go your way. This means of handling the issue is truly beneath you. Have you not yet realized that life happens, everything will not go your way, curve balls will be thrown at you, everyone will not agree with you and you will experience periods of being uncomfortable, and times of conflict? God does not promise you a drama free life, He promises to give you the resources to navigate through the drama. Trust Him in that, and make sure you are a good steward of the gifts He has given you by refraining from adding unnecessary drama to your 
already complex life.

Hence the futility of resorting to sex, outside of marriage, or placing the call to that useless ex who you already know CAN NOT HELP YOU. Given the already bad situation at hand, why would you want to add more confusion to drama- or pick up that bottle or attempt to smoking your problems away? Have you not already learned that these temporary pleasures are just that….temporary, and after the high goes down, the orgasm is over, and the buzz wears off you still have the problem.  So what do you do, what should be your reaction?

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So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters[b] all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are.10 In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation. 11 All power to him forever! Amen.
Cast your cares onto Christ, He can handle the smallest of issues!

It’s backed in the Word
1Peter 5:6-11 Psalms 55:22 Jeremiah 17:7-8 James 1:2-4 Luke 10:38-42

Monday, April 8, 2013

Don’t Limit God to Your Understanding

In life we create these diagrams of how we what things to go, when they should happen, and how the details should take place, which is noble but not always wise. Cautious not to neglect the importance of careful decision making, it’s vital to know that Gods plan and details are so high above our understanding, and easily put to shame our meticulously constructed life plans without pause. The more we surrender to His will and die to ourselves we unlock the restraints we’ve placed on God’s ability to lead and guide us. However there comes a point in life where we are all required to make a decision. At this point prayer and meditation should serve as the guiding force for all our decisions, but in the event that we jump the gun, and make the wrong choice, we have the privilege because of Jesus Christ to seek His protection and covering. God is more than able to overturn any vise of the enemy and ensure that the outcome of your decision is beneficial for all involved. It make take a little longer to reach your destiny, but no time will  be lost, instead it will be well vested into your development as you are sure to grow and become a better person through Christ!!

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It’s Backed in the Word
Psalms 81 Philippians 4:19 Psalms 139:8 Romans 8:31-32 Romans 10:13 Isaiah 1:18

Join us for our series on Self Control at!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Your Permission is Not Needed!

Nothing happens on this God given earth without God’s permission. Nothing happens in your life without God’s permission. Nothing happens in your family, on your job, in your friends’ life, in your animals' life without God’s permission. POINT< BLANK< PERIOD. Anyone who begs to differ clearly has never read the Bible for understanding because it is very clear that God brings both good times and bad without human permission.

It is imperative that you understand this seemingly insensible reasoning does not have to remain that way forever—Given the initial reaction of unwanted life events, or ghastly news  many people are often consumed by unruly emotions, hurt feelings, and are most often too absorbed with self to truly seek God for understanding. This immediate reaction is permissible, however it’s the prolonged compliance with denial and ignorance that poses the biggest problem. Not really a problem for society or God, both of which are affected in the matter, however the lasting effects of this problem impacts your life in a major way.

Clarity from God provides a definitive explanation that puts life into perspective and sets you up for success, despite the given. Oftentimes this clarity surfaces some deep-rooted issues, and reveals some truths you may not be ready for, the explanation for why people resort to ignorance (enemy driven) as opposed to truth(God driven).  Anything else is designed to keep you defeated, in the dark, and ultimately beneath your purpose.

The enemy’s role in the matter is to separate you from Christ and hinder your advance towards fulfilled living by encouraging  the “why’s” into your vocabulary and the worry into  your psyche. The “why did this have to happen” and the constant “worry of something potentially worse” are all limiting factors that negates God’s dominion and elevates the enemy's territory. Once you understand that God is all knowing and nothing happens without His permission, you will see your life transform before your eyes, and the missing trust factor in your life with begin to flourish as you confidently accept that everything, both good and bad, happens in this life to make you stronger, wiser, and shine brighter-- ultimately fulfilling God’s divine purpose for YOU.
Nothing happens until God says so!

Its backed in the Word
Ecclesiastes 1:1-7  Ecclesiastes 3:9-22 Isaiah 45:5-7 James 1:5-8 Matthew 5:45 Revelations 2:9-11 Romans 8:28

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Batter Up! Are You Ready to Step up to the Plate ....

Our world needs mature men and women to step up to the plate and be the change wished to be seen in the world. I believe that many people refuse to step up to the plate not because they can’t, or don’t know how, they feel that the plate is restrictive and requires more discipline than they are willing to offer. Let’s talk about this plate. The plate can best be described as the platform created by God that is designed to carry us, sustain us, and protect us as we live out the lives we were created to conquer.

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 The plate appears restrictive because there are specific rules to follow as you level yourself on this  platform; however these rules are designed to help you live life full and abundantly. Know without a shadow of a doubt that God is all knowing; He knows the turn of events that is going to take place in your life tomorrow, or better yet within the next 30 minutes. Given that advantage, why would you not want to submit to an all knowing God as opposed to your own imperfect understanding? Additionally, the plate illuminates God’s glory. His glory provides protection to cover you though your journey. Protection yields confidence  and purpose yield change, this dynamic threat can be obtained  on that plate, on your God given platform. STEP UP!  

Its backed in the Word
 John 2:16 Ephesians 5:15-20 Ephesians 2:1-10 Revelations 3:1-6 & 17-20 Matthew 5:16
1 Thessalonians 2:1-3
Join in on our 6 week series on Self Control at!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Rejoice and be Glad

This is the day that the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it. Someone somewhere wishes they were in your shoes right about now. Despite your struggle there is a struggle that is far more complex than yours. Regardless of where you are--in the valley, on a peak, in the dark, or in the light that is where God wants you to be. Life happens the way God wants it to. If you have recently experienced a death, divorce, marriage, birth, bad medical news, or the best news of your life, get out of your feelings, happiness or sadness, and let God  do His work through your situation. You did not get the good because you’ve been good or deserve the good, nor did you get the bad because you’ve been bad or deserve the bad; please understand God works things out the way He sees fit. Everyone does not get what they deserve and honestly we can all thank God for that. I am sure if you looked at your track record you have not received all the consequences you should have, and on the flip side some people don’t deserve the consequences they’ve received, but God.
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Let Him write your story, let Him be the author of your life. Trust Him in the process and don’t worry. Regardless of your most recent life event, God is the author and the finishers of your faith. Trust him to turn your bitterness to sweetness, and understand that He may choose to throw bitterness in your cup to stabilize you! All in all the operative word is TRUST. Trust God not you, trust that He has the best for you and knowing the details isn’t necessary because you know the God of the details!

Be Blessed

Its backed in the Word
Hebrews 12:2 Deuteronomy 31:7-8 Matthew 5:45 Isaiah 40:28-31

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

Is it farfetched to believe we live in a “Monkey See, Monkey Do” society? This concept is imitated ritualistically in public, homes and churches, as society falsely  claims this individualistic approach towards life but in actuality is heavily influenced by the “Monkey See” mindset, copying the behaviors and customs of this world as if it’s Gospel. The basic observation of watching people form lines in the grocery store that result in blocking the walk way, creating this unnecessary element of confusion, while there is easily a lucid alternative that could’ve been taken had someone dared to be different and actually did “what makes sense”.

 On another hand we see others tear people down to get to the top, exploit themselves, or resort to false advertising to appease the crowds, as we look to them in complete awe, wishing we could walk in their shoes for just a day.  Additionally, there’s a vast amount of people who have witnessed their parents suffer meaningless relationships and while single, have the courage to talk about a friend who constantly dates below the standard, all to be suffocated by the cycle of meaningless relationships themselves.

And the most recent offense of stalking celebrities, or wanna-be’s, to get a re-tweet or a mention, consumed with  lusting after their cars, clothes, relationships, money, or possessions is a  symbolic expression  of desperation to be the monkey seen --resulting in both the monkey doing and the monkey seeing,  monkey “ing” their way into a downward spiral with no lasting effect or eternal value. Have we truly resorted to being like the monkey as opposed to being like the Christ?

There is an alternative that makes sense, its right and leads to true promotion. This advertised shallow, temporal level of promotion does not lead to a fulfilled life! Christ has the answer, not the monkey. Let’s dare to be different for Christ, not for the most popular movement, cutest couple, quickest dollar, or hardest hustle. There is a preordained purpose for your life, and it had nothing to do with the monkey you’re seeing, seek CHRIST!

It’s backed in the Word
Romans 12:2 1 John 2:15-17 Matthew 6:21-24 Ephesians 6:12 Hebrew 13:1-6 Colossians 3:23
Join us weekly for our bible study series on Self Control @

Monday, April 1, 2013

Loving You


There is an old song sang by Minnie Ripperton and the lyrics go something like this:

Lovin' you is easy cause you're beautiful
Makin' love with you is all i wanna do
Lovin' you is more than just a dream come true
And everything that i do is out of lovin' you

How many times is that song or some similar versions do we play daily? Love is what we all desire; we were created for that purpose, to love so we can replenish the earth. It sounds so easy when we hear it and so wonderful when we see it. But what really is love, is it a gooey feeling that leaves you breathless or a feeling that makes your heart drop if you are without the object of your affection? Every one has had those feelings at one time or another and it is a rare person who still has the ability to feel them after countless heart aches and breaks.

At some point we get discouraged and begin to believe the lie that love does not exist. No one will ever love me the way I need to loved, so we grab at cheap substitutes, countless sex “buddies”, anybody to hold me, just so I got somebody and when we get tired of that we grab hold of things, purses, shoes, cars, houses, status and on and on. When will we get it (and it is a hard lesson) that no one can love you the way you are designed to be loved if you don’t understand “your first Love”?  That must be God, you see He is a jealous God and will have no other gods before Him. So check out you motivation are you looking for someone to complete you? You are already fearfully and wonderfully made. Are you looking for someone to take care of you? He has given you everything on earth to enjoy. The purpose of marriage is to be “help meets” to help each other meet the goal of pleasing God! And the reward is loving and being loved!

When you properly place God “as the head of your life”, the one He has made for you will come ready to love you with the Godly love you so desire. It may not feel gooey or take your breath away but you will know it is right! How? The One who made you promised.
It's in The Word.
Genesis 1:27-31; Genesis 2:18-25; Psalm 139:14; Exodus 34:14; Psalm 34:9-11; I Corinthians 13