Monday, April 29, 2013

What's Happening Inside You!

Everything takes place within. Think about it, a person cannot change unless it starts inside. Diseases, emotions, and thoughts are produced where…..inside of us. Everything takes place on the inside and is produced on the outside. The same applies with the Holy Spirit, He lives inside us believers. When we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior we gave the Holy Spirit access to enter inside us. Since we have the Holy Spirit He is by far the most powerful resource we have within us. Additionally, understand this: where the Holy Spirit dwells the enemy must flee.

It is our responsibility to ignite the Holy Spirit in us which in return will produce the fruits of the spirit on the outside of us. There is nothing that is going on inside you that the Holy Spirit cannot gain control over. Because He lives inside you, you have the power the command that the Holy Spirit takes over anything happening inside your mind, body, and soul- all of which dwells inside you. Sickness or disease cannot overpower the Holy Spirit; He has control over that too.

If you are having difficulty believing this concept, let’s explore your initial reaction when you become angry…… what happens? Typically those negative emotions that live inside you are produced on the outside, hence your initial reaction. Why is that, why do we act “out of charter” when we become angry? Why does anger bring out the worse in us?  Probably because  that reaction is the most commonly used and/or practiced response when you become angry. What typically happens in these type circumstances is that anger is played up so much inside us when we are faced with a negative situation that internal anger is typically reproduced on the outside of us. Now let’s interject the Holy Spirit in the place of anger. If  the Holy Spirit is played up on the inside of us ,(through mediation, nursing, & dwelling on Him ) - don’t pretend as if you don’t do all of the above with those negative feelings and emotions- when you are angry, sick, frustrated, broke, treated unfairly etc, your response will be that of the Holy Spirit which is able to both defeat anything going on inside or outside you!

Allow the Holy Spirit to have the ultimate authority in your life!

It's backed in the Word
Acts 2:38-40
John 14:15-17; 23-29
Romans 8:1-16;23-28
John 16:5-15

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