Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Take it 24hrs at a Time

Doesn’t it seem like the longer you live the more stuff and things you have to do? We live in a planned society: meetings, work, meetings at work, family, events, birthdays, weddings, planning, planning, and shall I say again PLANNING! I can relate because I am truly a planner, but as I grow as a person I realize the importance of taking life 24hrs at a time. *Seize the day* as some may say, because tomorrow is not promised. Most importantly all the worries that are associated with the days ahead does not not add any value to your life. Being concerned with all the” what ifs” of this world can drive you crazy and those worries are not God’s intention for your life. To combat that, ask Christ to be the leader of your moments. Each moment in life celebrate the importance and understanding of being close to Christ. This proximity with the creator will help you mimic His work ethic by working at 
what is necessary for the day, admiring your work, and selecting a rest day!
Image from Google

 Recognize the opportunity God affords you daily to grow in Him, and embrace that. There is absolutely no need to rush through life, wondering and worrying about tomorrow, or getting so caught up in the future that you forget about today!. God makes each day, and we should not only thank Him for allowing us to see this day and the days past, but fully embrace everything that each day brings.

Trust God with each second!

Its backed in the Word
Genesis 1 Genesis 2:1-4 Matthew 6:34 Proverbs 27:1 1 Peter 1:3-5


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