Monday, April 15, 2013

Whatsoever Shall I Do??

Life is about choice. You decide what you are going to do, when you will do it, and the attitude  you will have as you go about your day, completing various tasks. One thing I love about Christ is that He gives us the ability to make the decision for ourselves. He is not forceful in His approach; He simply sets the facts before us, as well as the consequences and trusts us to make the best decision possible. Today’s challenge is to make the right decision. If you have reached a crossroads and have no idea what to do, lean on God. That decision is the best thing you can do, as you watch Him transform your circumstances and thinking to help you journey down the path of right decisions. Choose today to live freely, live life abundantly, have a positive attitude, refrain from profanity, lift each other up, be supportive of your spouse, encourage your friends, laugh, pray, spend time with Christ, love, embrace peace, and promote unity!  Make the decision!

Its backed in the Word
Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Joshua 24:14-15 Proverbs 3:5-6 Proverbs 11:14 John 5:30

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