Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Season of the New!

Today marks the day of newness. With anything new there is a plethora of emotions that goes forth: excitement, fear, eagerness, joy, anxiety to name a few. With newness there are also times of trial and error, moments of curiosity when genuinely trying to understand that which is unknown, great strides taken, many setbacks, a testing of faith, and an opportunity to build trust, allowing others to see God’s influence in your life. Currently what emotions are you experiencing? Excitement, nervousness, a little fear?? Regardless of your feelings, because they are fluid, remain ever thankful for ALL that God is doing for you right now!!! If you reflect over the lives of anyone who is deemed great, think back to the start of their journey....their newness.

When Noah built the ark, there was a  start date, the very first time He received the vision and began working was the day his newness began. A day when he had an abundance of stacked wood, a pile of nails mountain high, several hammers, and I would add a first aid kit (or something relevant in that era). When I take a more modernized look at great people of today; Pastor Jentenzen Franklin, TV host and entrepreneur: Oprah, Movie producer and Actor: Tyler Perry , Fashion Designer: Tom Ford, and Soul Chef: Paula Deen I am excited about their now, but I am more awestruck with their season of new. The time when God first birthed a vision in them, the time when they first began their journey, when things looked bleak and confusing, when they had very few supporters, and the time when they were scared but determined to see vision come to pass. Today we believers stand in the light of God’s vision.

Father, we undoubtedly submit our will to Yours, carefully listening to Your prompting, closing our eyes, stepping on the path of faith, & watching You unveil this new season right before our very eyes. We trust You Lord and are excited to be apart of Your blood line. Oh the places we will go.

In backed in the Word
Genesis 6 Daniel 2:20-23 Galatians 6:9-10 Luke 23:28-29

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