Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Make Your Next Move Your Best Move

Wait I say on the Lord and be of good cheer!!!! We live in a time where everything is so fast paced and we often confuse God’s timing with our  own timing, and in the natural it makes sense. With the increase in demands, added stress to make a move, and the seemingly overnight success for others its easy to find yourself inspired to go hard and work relentlessly to reach your goals. Your ability to "making it happen" serves as a great attempt, but God makes it that clear apart from Him we can do nothing. Did you get that…NOTHING. So why you ask, can others who don’t even acknowledge Him manage to make it happen and in return get so far in life?

Let’s start with an honest truth, #1 that isn’t any of our business. Their relationship and walk with God has nothing to do with us and warrants zero comparison. If you desire to introduce them to Christ that’s one thing, but if you opt to lust after their life you are merely suggesting that God shows favoritism, a character trait He abhors.  Secondly fame, money, promotion, and even relationships are not the limits of God blessings. A person can have all of the above, live an empty life, and an even emptier life after they have died and gone to Hell. Our focus should not be on what someone else is doing, on the ticking time clocks in our minds, the due dates of man-made tasks, assignments, or the “by now you should have's….” of this worlds standard but on Christ. He is able to do more than you can ever imagine. So I challenge you to stop moving, isolate yourself with the spirit of God, and wait on him to speak, wait on him to tell you what to do next! Let Him guide your next move!

It's Backed in the Word
Psalms 27:14 John 15:1-17 Romans 2:5-11 Timothy 3:1-17 Isaiah 30:19-24

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