Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Good Wife....Have You Found Her?

This Proverbs 31 woman is a beast isn’t she? I mean the first verse beings with quote “who can find a virtuous and capable wife"? While God has revealed the ideal woman to the world, as a counteractive approach the world has resorted to glorying a woman totally opposite in an attempt to overshadow the essence of the Proverbs 31 woman. In its attempt, many have resorted to praising and worshipping women completely and totally opposite of God’s design (which is indicative of the enemy) -anything opposite of God is the devil- and sadly its victims are falling prey to the enemy’s deadly trap. The bible is really specific about women and clearly separates the good ones from the bad ones. Careful not deem a particular individual good or bad simply by their actions, we must not forget the most important attribute, their relationship with Christ alongside their character. I will venture to place her actions last, but the combination is necessary.

Women who are pursing virtue I want to encourage you ever the more. Sure I am just a woman empowering the next woman to continue to set standards and live by them, but I am also influenced by Christ who created a clear blueprint for women to strive after, promising His validation and acceptance as their rear reward. The only acceptance that truly matters, let’s not get it twisted!  Men I challenge you to set aside any insecurity that empower you to chase after the “baddest” woman or women  because you are fearful of another man’s opinions or to mask childhood pains that are associated with past attacks towards your physical appearance. The baddest woman can indeed be the baddest person for you who will ultimately brings you to complete and total ruin- remember when you play in the enemy’s territory you reap his rear reward--its one reward or the other. There is no combination of the things of God and the thing of the enemy. Don’t allow the devil’s attempt to captivate you, lure you into the master plan of destroying you.

·    Obviously it’s hard to find a virtuous and capable wife, but good women are out here. Ladies continue to strive to be God’s best and men continue to seek God for His best for you! 

It's Backed in the Word
Proverbs 31:10-31 Proverbs 23:26-35 Proverbs 6:23-29

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