Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lord I Need a Career

God is so faithful, not only in your life but in the lives of those around you-- friends & family alike. Understand that God is not limited to only healing or helping us make the best decisions. He can do more for you than get you out of a rut when you mess up, He far more influential in every part of your life! With that, begin to acknowledge God as the ruler of employment, thank Him for providing employment for your friends & family. The on'es who have jobs, are looking for jobs, or about to leave or be let go from a job.

 Regardless if you are employed or not, celebrate the employment of others. Watch how God works on your behalf as you switch the focus from yourself and your job/career, to uplifting those around you in their job/career. Pray that  all your family & friends have the privilege of recognizing their purpose TODAY, and immediately begin working at what God has called them to do, ultimately fulfilling His plan for their lives; Pray that those connected to you are allowed to have careers and not just mere jobs. Thank God for the true fulfillment that comes from Him in regards to employment.

~And that's Him work!

It's backed in the Word 
Romans 12 (esp v.15) Ephesians 2:10 Galatians 5:13-15

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