Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Celebrate the Closed Doors

There is nothing worse than having a door slammed in your face. For whatever reason it ignites the inner gangster in us, and no matter who you are or where you come from the universal feeling of defeat, disrespect, and anger submerges and if not controlled properly your next move may not be your best move. Automatically we blame the devil for trying to put a stumbling block in our way, or holding us back from reaching out next level. We get into a panic, often times throwing a fit outside of the closed door in hopes that our reaction will have the power to pry that sucker open, so we can go about our scheduled plan. But what happens when God closes a door? How can you tell if the closed door is God or the enemy? 

Well let’s start with a sure truth; the devil cannot do anything unless he gets clearance from Christ. Look at Job, an upright, and the Bible even calls Him a perfect man. God asked the devil if he had considered his servant Job to tempt. So God literally petitioned the enemy to slam the door in Job’s face! We all know Job’s story.....a long bout of death, defeat, and illness (and if we’d all be honest we probably would have died under pressure) but Job endured the disrespect, experienced the defeat and anger but never let go of God’s hand. God had a plan for Job, He has a plan for you too. A failed relationship, a loss of a job, an estranged friendship, a string of bad news, a slammed door in your face is not symbolic of the end! God has a way of doing things that is beyond our understanding but always for our good. I challenge you when facing a closed door to shout right there in front of it. Not so that the walls would come tumbling down, but so God can be gloried and you can show Him your undeniable trust in His plan for your life. Celebrate the closed doors!

Its backed in the Word
Job 1:8 The entire book of Job 1-41

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