Sunday, August 26, 2012

Not Cool 2 BreakThe Rules.........Dear Dad Day 54

Dear Dad,

Abiding by rules is probably one of the most difficult concepts for people to understand. When we drive, we often go a tab bit over the limit, if a dress code policy is in place we have to find a way to push the buttons by adding our own “UMPH” to it, we take more than one peppermint from the courtesy candy bowl at our favorite establishments, and so on. Today I am challenged to move forward in life, abiding by rules; moreover Your rules.  A person shows their maturity by their proven ability to abide by and uphold rules.  As Your daughter/(son) help me to honor Your rules in my heart. Not limiting our relationship to the printed 10 commandments (which is a great go-to resource by the way), help me to listen as You speak to me daily. Help me to stay put when You say so, shut up when You command, speak when prompted, leave people alone when You say walk away, and everything else You tell me to do. Rules is such a strong word that is often viewed negatively, but I can truly see the positivity that the word “Rules” exudes. First, rules are designed to keep us safe, rules are established to create boundaries to avoid thee unnecessary, rules maintain order but still leave ample room for freedom and enjoyment, rules protect, rules cover, and rules established shows the level of love from the establisher. Dad, You are the ultimate establisher and Your love for me triumphs all. Help me to be obedient and focused on Your rules, and see the beauty in Your Order!

Join me in my August 26, 2012 Declaration~ Father, help (insert name) to abide by the personalized rules You have created for ME!


Word on The Go: 1 Timothy 4: 13; 15-16
13Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. Stay at your post reading Scripture, giving counsel, teaching 15-16Cultivate these things. Immerse yourself in them. The people will all see you mature right before their eyes! Keep a firm grasp on both your character and your teaching. Don't be diverted. Just keep at it. Both you and those who hear you will experience salvation.

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