Monday, June 24, 2013

Now That's Life

Fact: The notion that life is this wonderful experience where everything goes our way, everyone agrees with one another, and everyday problems are nonexistent is a fairy tale that should only be looked forward to by kingdom builders(a placed called Heaven).

 God in no way promised us a stress-free, problem-free life on earth but take heart He did promise each of a life full of abundance. This abundance includes everything you need to stand against the tactics of the enemy, make the best decisions for your life, be successful, and accomplish anything you put you mind to in Him. Everyday will not be Sunday and thank God because the fulfillment of your desires may lie on a Monday afternoon or Thursday morning, and the repetition of Sundays only impairs your likelihood of reaching fulfillment. 

With that practice thanking God for everything, praise Him for every single day, worship Him for the good and the bad, and lastly respect His faultless decisions. He truly has the best for you; a plan so awesome, your human mind could never process a viable explanation for the places He will take you, or the plans He has already established for you. Be it a trail of peace and harmony designed to encourage you as you continue living, or a bout of hardships and challenges that will forcefully develop your strength and character........ it all works together, ultimately for His good and your benefit!

Be Encouraged
Its backed in the Word
2 Peter 1:3-10 Romans 8:28-39 Hebrews 12: 1-6

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