Monday, June 4, 2012

Realizing 2 Appreciate My Dad....Dear Dad Day 1

Growing up without a biological father or father in general in the home, for me was not this devastating experience that negatively shaped my existence, childhood, or present life. As an adult I do notice however, in my youth, the bouts of trying to find myself in useless relationships, sex with useless guys, and so forth that could be used as an excuse to fill a void, which maybe true. However, in comparison to my many friends who grew up with fathers in their home (mostly biological) were doing the same thing as my fatherless self, SO WHAT NOW? This leads me to believe that the presence of a father, or not, does not determine the outcome of a person. Regardless, it is solely up to each individual to make a decision on how they choose to find themselves. The help of Godly parenting is essential in the guiding process, but individuals raised in a single parented home, by a grandparent, both parents, no parents all have the same opportunity as the next to live a life that is meaningful and ever growing towards success, joy, passion, and love. Some journeys are harder than others but that's life! So with this brief introduction I have started Dear Dad, my Life letter to God, my father.

Dear Dad,
I need your help today. Your help that guides my decisions, thoughts, words, and actions. Use me for Your glory today that I may positively impact the world I live in. I realize that it is imperative for me to align my will with Yours so that I can truly experience an outpour of Your glory. I seek You above all things, and while life has a way of trying to steer me as far away from You as possible, I realize that I have the victory, and the power to speak to the circumstances that fight against me; Declaring Your perfect outcome for my life. As I go about my day help me to steer away from profanity, negative words or thoughts, self doubt and pity, questions that doubt Your motives, and people that Amen my foolishness. I speak life over this day; peace, blessings, and life lessons manifested through Your workings, Your miracles, and Your will for my life.
Your Daughter Kristen

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