Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Following God you win. There is no way around that contributing life factor, when you follow God you WIN. Regardless of the current scene, making the decision to defy enemy’s gravity and stand with full assurance on the promises you received in Christ, guarantees you success. God is honored the more confident you become in Him , the more assured you are that He will not only save you but present you a better alternative emboldens Him to pour His blessing and provisions more lavishly upon you. To think that your plan is in some way greater that God’s plan is a deceptive trap that is sure to lure you into depression, helplessness, and further away from the victory that is already afforded you in Christ Jesus. Today choose to stand strong, stand firm, believe God, trust God, continue to be faithful to the promises you’ve made to Christ and trust this known fact…..YOU WIN!

It’s backed in The Word

James 1:12-14 Proverbs 24:16 2Timothy 2:1-15 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Patience Confirms Maturity

To be patient confirms maturity. In waiting there is so much God wants to show you. Instead of questioning everything that happens or doesn't, redirect energy to the vibrations of His voice.  Become determined to hear Him speak by gaining as much as you can from the waiting experience. Sometimes timing is just off. What you want and/or desire maybe yours for the taking but not immediately, there is work to be done and time is critical. Patience creates an opportunity for new perspectives. Being distracted by  our own point of view may call for time to challenge and implement  different viewpoints. Being patient uncovers deception, deceit, or ill intent from yourself or those around you. Last but not least being patient allows God to truly reveal his character and unending love for you. By waiting you see God’s hand in the process and learn to appreciate another dimension of the favor on your life and the grace that has been afforded you. God has so much in store for you, you just have to wait for it. 

Its Backed In The Word

Romans 12:12 Jeremiah 29:11 Psalms 37:7-9 Romans8:24-25

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Just In The Nick Of Time

You’re sitting around thinking God has forgotten about you; 
~You’re a single woman: No husband in sight
~You & your spouse have been trying to have a baby for months…years: No luck
~ You have a bill due in the next few days: No money
~ You need an encouraging word: Nobody to talk to?!?! 

You feel Alone, Abandoned!

You sit and wonder, “where the heck is God” wondering how many tears do you have to cry, how many prayers do you have to pray. Let’s be transparent you feel like there are no more tears left and no more words left to pray. You are over it! You are tired!

Well God has not forgotten you. He has a plan for your life so grandiose that if He told you there is no way you could handle it’s magnitude. It all sounds cliché’ but that doesn’t stop it from being the truth. I want to encourage you, be transparent with you and let you know that on this journey I have quit several times. I have told God "look you can have it I’m tired of trying". I have had many sleepless night, several broken hearts (my heart’s been broken so many times I didn’t even know it was possible), I've been too broke, not even $5 to my name……….. seriously,  you name the struggle I have been there or severely close. Through it all I can attest there has always been one solid factor, one thing that has always stayed the same. God! God has always been there for me no matter what. Even when He didn’t speak I could feel his breath as the wind blowed. I promise you every prayer that I have ever prayed in my entire life, has been answered. I still have a few pending requests but I am overly confidently that He can and will handle those request as well.

This I have learned: rarely does He answer the way I would hope, after all He’s boss not me….but He answers; and I can also say that despite my disappointment at times, as a result of  his response. it has ALWAYS been for my best interest looking back.

Yeah, I can agree sitting around with no money does not seem profitable in the least bit, or not having a husband or wife to go home to and being tempted by boyfriends/girlfriends in no way seems beneficial, nor does the quest to procreate yielding no creation at all, seem like its helping the world expand. I get it, trust me! But know that God’s sure plan is working for your good despite your knowledge.  Just in the nick of time God is going to show up, just as the door is closing….**Would you look a there***…..God will pop up on the scene.  He’s able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above anything you could ask or think! 

HE loves you! Be Encouraged

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Jesus Is Not Who You Think He Is


Ok this is a bold statement because I am unsure of how you view Jesus. I am however going to base this devotional off the world’s painted image of Christ and challenge that perception to a more dignified and loving reality. First and foremost, Jesus is the definition of love. Think about it, He gave his body up for you and I so that through His blood we can receive salvation. So, not only does He love, (rather He is love) He saves. Jesus was also a human, which makes me appreciate Him even more because He knows what we go through daily. He was tempted, hurt, disappointed, betrayed, and even lied to, but He never gave into any of those negative forces. He fought His emotions and feelings and lived true to His best interest. He was fully aware and confident of His life’s purpose and lived everyday to the fullest, maximizing His benefit as God’s son.

 A true Leader, this man had SWAG ( I mean who else can take a ball of clay and make a working eye ball, or reattach the ear to a person He knew was about the kill Him, after his friend cut it off as an humanized attempt to protect Him) and gathered a following by simply supplying truth & love, driven to be an example. There was no fault in Him! No matter how hard people tired to come against Him they failed because He was true, He is the Truth. His loving heart and compassionate soul had dinner with sinners, was in the presence of prostitutes, hung out with the least likely and yet He used His gifts, His purpose to show others the love He was afforded through God and the love made available to them….. to us. He made the choice not to judge, although He could. He always made it clear that judgment was His Father’s job, however He was never afraid to tell it like it is, friend or foe, truth was truth and still is. He knew truth because He is the Truth.

Today, I want you to know that Jesus is the truth. Truth is love and truth saves. I am so happy to be connected with the Truth and I encourage you to latch on as well. Being mature enough to appreciate its hurts and chastisement, it’s (His) lastly value of love and salvation triumphs it all because ultimately the Truth was designed to both protect  us and keep us in perfect peace. Know Jesus for yourself and accept Truth!

Its backed in the Word
John 8: 13-17, John 14:6, John 9:6, Luke 22:47-53, Matthew 8:1-4, Luke 7:36-50, Matthew 11:19. Also in your leisure read the whole book of Matthew. I am always amazed by Jesus’ authority, swag, and confidence as He lived out his purpose.